oh, and over 90% of kids in america attend public school. you guys need a bigger infrastructure.
we know, that’s why the international standards keep falling… it’s called a monopoly. But it sure doesn’t produce 90 per cent of the high school graduates or 90 per cent of the freshman class of undergraduates. If you use those metrics… in terms of effect.. 10 per cent is responsible for 22 per cent of all high school graduates. There are some public schools that do fine. They will continue to attract students.
You might want to revisit WHY standardized testing came into being redblack… we were graduating functional illiterates. SAT scores were dropping, out international standing in the worlds education rankings were falling, we couldn’t field a trainable work force with the needed skill sets, … it was an attempt to try and establish minimum standards AND have a database to figure out where in the cycle were kids getting derailed. No one likes tests.. but they are a part of life. You know … funny thing… most private schools don’t take them. Because they don’t need to.
And with great sacrifice to the public purse. taxpayers upheld their end of the deal… in constant dollars they have doubled school funding over the last 40 years…. we just can’t keep up with union demands….and not get a better result. The very least they could have done was hold their own. we are not in “awe” of the public education system, we don’t transfer the “glow” of police and firefighters to them.. as they have tried to do.. the police, firefighters, teachers mantra … it ain’t working.