hey guys…
i am as green as the next girl..
in fact probably greener because i have been practicing for 40+ years now…
but the laundry room is one place where green is not winning the battle…
if your goal is to get clean clothes and use less water and detergent… so far every green detergent and dryer sheet i have used fail the soiled white towels test:(
I am still looking… but so far seventh generation beats everything else green i have tried for clean… and it needs added bleach to produce bright whites ;(
as for dryer sheets… scentless bounce outperforms everything else i have tested..
I generate more static electricity than most ;) so performance matters to me.
I honestly wish someone would provide better products than those we currently use.
There is a reason our mothers moved away from those currently offered to the “newer better” detergents.. and it wasn’t just advertising:(