I have no idea what he was really expecting. I know what I am expecting i.e. a country that follows due process, day in court, judged by your peers, a secular state, rational thinking that minimizes violence rather than glorifying it, a country where money has not substituted clear thinking etc etc…yea, a dreamer, huh!
When a country acts violently in the name of it’s citizens it has taken away our right to say no. No, I don’t want to kill because I can-no, I don’t want to kill because a trial would cause too much grief. What happened to all those real men/women who brought justice in Nuremberg and at the trials in Japan? For all that jump to Nazi comparisons at the drop of a hat one should rememebr that Germany was the most educated, intellectual laugh in the face of the wacky Nazis until they all took their eye off the ball and got rolled along with everyone else. Law and order, internal and external enemies, cracked self concept of its own value, we have the moral authority etc etc-sound familiar?
Peace is more than just a word- it takes courage that many seem to no longer honor. Sad-