Re: Insurance Cost and Risk




I want to congratulate you on your weight loss.

I know it probably wasn’t easy for you.

but if giving up booze guaranteed weight loss..

i would be one skinny minnie.

I haven’t had a single drink in 20+ years.

i have eliminated sweets as well…

except for the occasional dark chocolate splurge.

i even eliminated the cocacola that was keeping me going..

and still upped my exercise.

i am still waiting for those pounds to fall…

but not holding my breath.

you see..

i have a few decades on you..

and the gender disadvantage

and a chronic illness or two that makes what you call exercise difficult at best

and immune dysfunction that does a tap dance on my metabolism

those aren’t excuses, just facts.

if losing weight was either easy or appropriate for everyone the trillion dollar weight loss industry would never have gotten off the ground.

You may be slimmer than you once were hoop, but that only means you are carrying around your genetic load in a package that pleases you more when you pass the mirror.

It’s what you do to stay slim that impacts your health… and even that doesn’t always negate whatever genetic or environmental load you carry forward from your childhood.

did you know that childhood poverty is the number one risk factor for chronic illness?

Isn’t that amazing.

We can lower our national healthcare cost by simply feeding children.

and no-one has to be made to feel guilty in the process.