Re: I-502: A Discussion for Rational Human Beings



Comparisons between booze and pot can be helpful, but they only go so far. Both are “recreational” drugs for example, and both can be addicting. But that’s about as far as you’ll get with that.

Pot advocates point out that alcohol (which is legal) does far more damage to society than pot (which is not legal.) Absolutely correct. But on the other hand, if you look only at the total number of people who consume the drug in either case, I believe you’d find that pot smoking does more damage, relatively speaking.

Consider all the people you know who drink. Now ask yourself: how many of them are problem drinkers?

Now consider all the people you know who smoke pot. How many of them are problem smokers?

I know several drunks. Hell, everyone does. But of all the people I know who imbibe any amount of alcohol, the great majority can take it or leave it alone. By contrast, most of the people I know who smoke pot, cannot leave it alone. In other words, they’re dependent on the drug.

Not a reason to villify pot, but something to think about.