Re: Hot for Hillary



JoB- When you are in a hole stop digging.

I think that is a pretty controversial statement to say that white women in America, from a historical context have had it much worse then black men…

“I don’t think its that Hillary ran a bad campaign, the media created a hostile environment?”

Oh my lord! 3 of her top staff that SHE HANDSELECTED either got fired or resigned in disgrace during this campaign. She stated, the race ends Feb. 5th, and was fully onboard with the plan not to compete in caucas states, not to have a plan for the elections after Feb 5th… She ran out of money a dozen times, didn’t pay bills, borrowed money from her husband and his sketchy foreign business partners to keep her campaign going.

But most importantly, and may we never forget: She decided to support this war. She positioned herself as the “inevitable candidate”, the incumbent who’d be “ready from day one”. She refused to apologize for her Iraq vote, directly positioning her as the most hawkish of all the primary candidates on Iraq. A position she devined as a way to be “tough” in the general election, thinking she would easily win the primary anyway. The media didn’t do any of this… It’s delusional to suggest it.

People, especially egg-headed liberals, who sip lattes, and you know read the paper and stuff- saw her recent switch as a completely hedged “anti” war candidate, to be completely insincere, and they voted against her. In large numbers. In fact, in Iowa- Mrs. Ineviatble got 26% of the vote and finished 3rd.

That is why she lost this election, make up whatever story you want, but us egghead, moron, latte-drinkers remember how ineffective it was to have a candidate argue 4 years ago that they were voting for the war, before they were voting against it. That they stood by the president, for in her case 6 years; but now brought a real division from him and his failed policies.

Now that is why she lost, but why she is starting to be hated, is everything that she has done since she lost this race in early March. And everything she continues to do.

Please justify for me the current proposition to award Barack 0 votes, and 0 delegates in Michigan that her campaign is proposing Sunday. Please explain to me how that would be a victory for democracy… How using North Korea type election results, to position a candidate closer to a position where “super people” can overturn the results of the elections and place her in office. Please explain how that is a victory for democracy…