the flip side to the innuendo above…
it apparently didn’t occur those who prefer conspiracy theories and innuendos that registrations too late for the primary will still count for the general election in the fall.
Voter registration is a good thing… even when it doesn’t happen in time to help a candidate in the primaries.
Nor did it matter than when the state complained to them… they swiftly acted to comply with their requests..
“In an attempt to prevent further confusion surrounding our voter registration efforts prior to the North Carolina primary, Women’s Voices. Women Vote took the extra step of attempting to stop the remaining mail from being delivered to homes. In total, 20 postal trucks are carrying Women’s Voices. Women Vote registration applications. Four of the trucks have already delivered, but Women’s Voices. Women Vote is making every attempt to delay the delivery of the remaining sixteen trucks.”
For the full response… complete with useful information about the organization..
While you are there. you might want to take a good look at the organization.. including the full list and bios of board members.. their mission statement.. and their list of accomplishments in the elections of 2004 and 2006.
I think you will find their mission commendable… no matter who you support in the primaries.
You will find board members who were members at one time of the many Clinton teams…
that is true of just about any group affiliated with democratic politics … since the 8 year Clinton White House was the training ground for many of them.
But to refer to them as engaged in a campaign of “voter suppression; robo calls distribute false information to Dem voters, especially women,”
is misleading at best…
unless of course you think they were engaged in the same political tactics in 2004 and 2006.
“Women’s Voices Women Vote first registered voters in North Carolina in 2004. Nationally, Women’s Voices Women Vote registered over 100,000 new voters in both 2004 and 2006. Since July of 2007, almost 400,000 additional individuals have returned our applications in anticipation of participating in the 2008 general election.”
As for their efforts this year….
“Already this cycle, our voter registration efforts have generated more than 26,600 registration applications in North Carolina.”
Registered voters are a good thing…