Re: Go Hillary



I don’t think most Obama supporters want to ‘destroy her’ – I think she’d be a fine nomination and president – I just think Obama is a better candidate. I’m tired of the Clinton/Bush dynasty and I’m ready for a fresh start. I really don’t want to relive the 90’s and am not delusional in thinking that Hillary will be able to bring back the economic prosperity that Bill enjoyed. I know you probably haven’t fallen for the ‘bring back the good days’ thinking, but a large portion of Americans have. The 90’s are gone and it’s time to look to the future.

I have ‘stopped and considered’ (as you requested) why some people want to ‘destory’ Hillary. I think a lot of Obama supporters are offended by the utter hypocrasy of her campaign tactics over the past 3 or 4 weeks. Please understand, it has absolutely nothing to do with her being a woman. A woman president would be fanastic, and long overdue. And it has nothing to do with how much worse the smear campaign will become once someone is nominated and has to go up against John McCain.

She spent the last 4 years of her time with Bill in office propogating the notion of a ‘vast right wing conspiracy’ based on Republican lies and smears. Then she turns around a rips a page right out of the Republicans playbook by playing to people’s fears. She’s turned her campaign around not by talking about the issues, but by resorting to fearmongering and smear tactics. We expect this from Republicans, but it’s her utter hypocrisy that makes it so egregious in this case.

And I also don’t think it’s good for the Democratic party. Now that the campaign has gone negative, both Hillary and Barack will be so beaten and bloodied by the time that one of them is nominated that neither will be in good shape to take on McCain. Why do the Republicans’ job for them? All this leads me to believe that Hillary will resort to any means necessary to reach her goals. She ‘deserves’ to be president; it’s her ‘right’ is how she comes across. And she’ll do anything to make it happen. Sounds earily similar to the way George W. Bush thinks (if you can call it thinking). I’m tired of that type of thinking and am ready for someone a little more inspiring.