Re: Go Barack



Superdelegates who were undecided are now taking stands. Even more interesting to me, supers are switching sides. Here is a superdelegate who switched — from Clinton to Obama. He was a Clinton supporter from the day she announced. And he was a former chair of the DNC, under Bill Clinton.

I googled “supers who switched from clinton to Obama” because I was looking, specifically, for this guy. There were a few more listed. I also googled “supers who switched from obama to clinton” and nothing showed up. I realize there have been accusations of bias on the part of search engines, but I think we know that’s not happening.

I’m a little worried about the number and calibre of people who will now fall under the Clinton Grudge Machine because of their perceived disloyalty. For example, I’m pretty sure Bill Richardson, one of the brightest and most talented lights of the party, won’t be used to his fullest in a Clinton administration. :-) And Robert Reich and …

Finally, I’m guilty of spreading a false rumor: Elizabeth Edwards endorsed Clinton’s health care plan, not Clinton herself. She made it very clear in a couple of interviews earlier this week that she and John have not endorsed any candidate. Sorry to all the people, including myself and the bob, who were depressed by my previous announcement. :-)