re factcheck you said..
“ is relying on hear say quotes as fact “
whoa nelly!
repeating campaign rhetoric is one thing.. but shooting the messenger just because you don’t like the message probably won’t change the facts.
They are truly an equal opportunity bull meter… if you read their postings. you would know that.
as for the charity thing…
Bill and Hillary only donated 50% of their charitable contributions to Bill’s Foundation… (relying entirely on your data) the rest they gave to organizations they don’t control… and i think that half still exceeded Obama’s contributions…
Now, in all fairness, Obama didn’t have that much to give before writing his book.. but that’s why we compare percentages not dollars…
do you know what your contribution percentage is?
Ours is about 2% if one uses our gross income as base… however it becomes 4% if you look at adjsuted income.
That is slightly above normal for the average American… and i think we can include Obama’s income as roughly average before his book income.
So.. he was midrange normal in contributions prior to the substantial increase in his income generated by his book royalties…