Re: Go Barack




she said Jesse Jackson pulled the black vote in South Caroline (i think) because of his race… black people voting for their own.

And in fact, when the vote was analyzed, that turned out to be true.

She said that Obama was lucky and that his race allowed him to pull a huge portion of the black vote.. which when analyzed is true.

neither of those remarks is racist or bigotted…

any more than the Obama campaign stating that Clinton pulls a large percentage of the older vote and the female vote because of her age or her sex is ageism or sexism.

If Ferraro had said.. people only vote for him because he is black.. that could be considered racist… and he would certainly have reason to complain.

That still wouldn’t make Ferraro a racist.

She would have to actually go much further than that on a regular basis … to be a racist..

something in the line of what Obama’s pastor is quoted as saying would do nicely… but of course you don’t think that is racist.

I don’t care what your standard is.. but you have to pick one and use it equally for both sides.

It has been repeated in the press regularly that Hillary is only in the campaign because of those “middle aged”… “bitter” … “vindictive” … “women’s libbers” .. and each of those actual words that have been used in conjunction to describe her supporters…

and that is actually rampant sexism…

yet Obama supporters of the same sex seem to feel that is ok.

Pick a standard and then apply it equally.