right now it appears to be trash talk against trash talk.. and that’s boring…
house, i don’t think you are a fool, but the tire changing remark is pretty foolish. and.. lame link.
unless you count the polls which ask only whether McCain can beat Hillary or Obama, which are bound to be off right now with such a heated race on the democratic side…. and his approval rating… which at the moment looks pretty good becasue nobody is on him yet….
if you look at the polls which look at who is willing to vote for who… he is in about the same place as Obama and Clinton.
Since this isn’t a three way race… i would be worried if i were him… no matter how the press paints it and how inflamed everyone gets, some of those voters whose candidate doesn’t get the nomination will vote democratic.
As for the undecideds and independents.. those swing votes… it doesn’t matter which candidate wins the democratic nomination.. either stands more for the issues that Americans actually care about than McCain.
You can only dip into America’s pocketbook so far before they start to scream… and republicans have been greedy lately. I doubt even hate will trump self interest this time.
What part of bailout don’t you understand? The last one resulted in a ton of small business owners going belly-up. People don’t like that.
Andi dont’ think it is just in the Presidential election where things will swing democrat. People are pissed off.. and those who are really pissed off will only be getting $300 of that sweet economic bailout to spend.. and to those losing their homes (because their mortgage company is in trouble due to their own greed and still too stupid to negotiate terms their customers can live with,,, that will have to be another legislated buyout and is going to be too late for most) .. do you think even $1,200 for a couple is going to go far in most areas?
Have you actually looked at house prices and mortgages today? Have you looked at what your house could realistically get on the market today? Seattle hasn’t slid like some places because of the demand for houses, but those subprime deals haven’t yet hit for the low end of the housing market and when they do it is likely that even your house will lose value for a time.
Even those who are at the upper ends of the middle economic bracket are hurting. Wall street isn’t doing so well for them right now. The dollar has slid to a hole so low that friends canceled trips to France this spring due to the dollar/eruo ratio… our neighbors to the north are ecstatic… and we are all worried for those retirement accounts which laughingly substitute for pensions these days.
And are you driving as much these days? i’m not.. yet reduced demand hasn’t created even a blip at he pump.
sometimes self interest trumps even ideology…
NewResident.. i don’t think you have to worry about us dems coming together when it counts… we may both be defending our candidate now.. but wait till you see us defend our cause.
As for Reverend Wright… you are right that Obama isn’t exactly repudiating him… but there is a lot of selective listening going on in both sides of that question. His speech was a great speech.. and a well calculated political gamble. It may just work.
either way, McCain isn’t going to have the high road on that one… his preacher friends & contributors are anti-black, anti-sementic, anti-catholic… is there anything else to be anti about???
And he can’t make up his mind if he is a presbyterian or a baptist… you may have noticed that there is a wide difference in theology between the two? his religion appears to be opportunism.
Kayleigh.. i know you are upset for your candidate, but Geraldine Ferraro is not a racist. she is a crusty lady who calls it like she sees it and sometimes doesn’t think before she opens her mouth… but definately not a racist. Accusations don’t make it so. perhaps you should go read a little of her personal history.. because it is obvious you need some context.
Beachdrivegirl.. yes, Obama and/or his campaign did demand her resignation… which is in stark contrast to what Hillary said about the monster remark.
The demands for “justice” are consistent with Obama’s political style. Not the first time he has risen in umbrage as a black man and not likely to be the last. Like i said, his is a fine line… he built his political base on that umbrage.. but points out to his biological mix when it’s mentioned. So far, it’s worked. I said it, but i couldn’t have meant it… fine line.
JanS.. just because Obama finally figured out that he couldn’t buck the democratic party on this one either (re: his end run on superdelegates) doesn’t mean he didn’t try. And that is the big deal.
it may be good gamemanship, but not good politics.
a good night’s sleep really does wonders for my attitude:)