Game Over
Your Score: 600
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:734.92ms
Black Unarmed:848.2ms
White Armed:735.92ms
White Unarmed:786.88ms
Now that’s interesting… i had little trouble identifying a gun. tho i did get shot once and penalized once for being too slow.. and both of those were for black guys…
but i apparently had real trouble identifying what was in the hands of those who weren’t carrying guns and it took me longer to be sure for black guys than for white…
i would have sworn that wouldn’t happen.
and like JT, i am just plain too slow. i kept losing points for both white and black guys because i couldn’t identify what they were holding…
i think it’s a good thing i am not in police work.
as for the political test… i really liked Hillary.. and i really didn’t much like Obama or McCain… but i like Obama better than McCain:)
no surprises there:)