Re: FYI – Animal Control Giving Tickets in Lincoln Park! Safer Dog Park needed



Westcrest is an off-leash dog park and you are taking your chances there. If you listen to most dog trainers, they are NOT pro-dog parks. As much as playgroups are, they just as easily teach your dog bad manners. My friend’s dog just had surgery from a dog park interaction.

At LP last weekend, a small free-roaming puppy charged my (leashed) dog. Luckily b/c it was a puppy mine just backed up and tried to get away. If it had been a bigger dog mine would have held her ground, bared her teeth and ‘defended’ her space. My dog happily walks on a leash and loves the park, but has a bad history of abuse, was rescued from a hoarding situation – and immediatley feels threatened when charged.

REMINDER to dog owners, just because you think your dog is ok, all others might not be. And not everyone thinks it’s cute to be charged by your dog…friendly or not.