Re: For What It’s Worth



I’m kind of disappointed the discussion has ended. All 3 or 4 of the threads had value to me. If we can’t work on our differences here in our small community, what does that say?

And where are all of NR’s friends? There are several of you who know what a decent person she is and the silence is deafening. I would have loved a group get together. Now it looks like the divide is bigger than ever. What a loss.

NR, BDG, TheHouse, and the other’s who’s names escape me at the moment, I’m not sure any of us are still showing up Saturday, but I would enjoy a beer with all of you. Sorry to those that offends, but I feel like all 3 of you were expressing your perspective and were shot down for even having one. That wasn’t right.

LGBT West Seattle

politics of LGBT/straight exclusion


S West Seattle