rich: that’s karen finney, former communication director for the DNC. i think she should be obama’s press secretary. she’s wicked smart.
i also think jennifer granholm is pretty.
what about ashley judd? she’s a liberal.
and i know i’ve seen pretty liberal women right here in west seattle.
but you know what? to me, wit, intellect, subtlety, humility, and sensitivity go farther than physical beauty any day of the week and twice on sundays. loud, strident, and stupid are definitely turn-offs.
bob: i saw a stat on this recently, and it surprised me that the top 1% broke down pretty much like the rest of the country. just like the military.
you don’t have to be poor or middle class to believe that rich people should pay more taxes. that buffet feller says it all of the time.
but the odds of 1%’ers reading or commenting here are pretty much nonexistent.