Obamacare ,Obamacare,Obamacare…bad bad bad..Bleech…
Santorum does not want us to trust the government with our health care. Guess where his health care comes from? Yes, he gets government health care from his stint in the government .Good enough for him but not good enough for the masses ,eh?What a freakin’ hypocrite.
On Meet the Press this last Sunday he was upset as enough is not spent on special needs children….well Obama care would fix that for most people. At least they could get insurance to help with the care of their special needs kids the same way that hypocrite gets his..via government assisted health care.
Every single person in this country deserves basic health care.If you want a face lift pay for it yourself. If you want a tummy tuck..same. BUT the basics?? We should all be in a pool to cover that.I have rarely used my health insurance in all the fourty + years I have had it. I am sure one day I will need it. That is when the pooled money comes in.I do not mind at all having helped pay for others to have surgeries or needed health care of any sort. I know that one day I will need it.Then they will help to pay for my needs. THAT is how it should work in this country. We are fast becoming a 3rd world country. No one, I repeat NO ONE should lose their home because they need surgery or other expensive health care.No one should lose their life because they can’t afford the treatments or medications. We are still, for awhile anyway , the richest country in the world. We should act like it.Quit being so greedy, you may need us all one day.