Re: Don't tell THIS guy to leash his dog!


Anyone touching my off leash dog will do best to call an ambulance instead of the police after i get done with them.

Yes I take my dog off leash to play ball. Yes I know the law but I am choosing to break if for the benefit of my dog. She does not want to approach other animals or humans and doesn’t want them to approach her. Hence why I cannot take her to dog parks – which are the worst things ever invented. They are full of diseases and stupid owners who just sit there and do nothing while their dogs terrorize others.

My dog and I have never harrassed others – yet we have been harrassed plenty by passive aggressive idiots who want to get in my face about the law. Save your breath – if you don’t like what I am doing then call animal control. I’ll take my chances with a ticket. Otherwise if there is no evidence that the dog or owner are harming anyone – the old man in Lincoln Park was right – MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!