Re: Dogs in Ercolini Playground



Thanks Corey, for calling animal control, and for all the great tips

I didn’t even notice the dogs were untagged, and unaware of that rule

also didn’t notice if this woman walked in, or got out of a car, but great tip about getting license plate

I feel much more empowered to take action next time

the animal control number is now in my phone

I’ve been running through my visual memory of that eve, trying to picture which dad you are; it certainly was a fun & busy night at the playground

btw, wouldn’t it be fun to have wsblog tshirts?

everywhere I go in Seattle, especially in WS, I rave about wsblog; as large as this community has grown, many still don’t know about it; if there were cute wsblog tshirts, I would wear one for sure; thoughts TR?