That is a pretty comical claim- that the employees who ran a perfectly healthy company into complete failure in the last 16 months are ENTITLED to their BONUSES because of the contracts that they signed…
Let’s see- that is borderline insane. The company- AIG- took obscene risks and did not practice any ethical or practical standards. They turned a short term profit- and increased share price. The people who did this were paid a lot for the short term gain- and benefited dramatically.
These risks exploded in there faces- and they left a steaming pile of shi* so big- they could never hope to repay it. It destroyed such a large cross section of businesses security that the government was forced to step in and provide hundreds of billions of dollars so the company would not go bankrupt.
So the wunderkinds- the geniuses that drove a large, too big to fail- profitable company- beyond bankruptcy in 18 months- they should #1- be absolutely without strings entitled to ever bonus dollar they had negotiated when they worked for an actual company with money to pay them. And they should #2- be retained at high salaries for their expertise?
My god if we didn’t have these talented people just think what could happen! They might go bankrupt? They might not be able to stay in business without complete subsidy by the federal government? The might take risks so insane they would destroy a 120 year old, profitable company in less then 2 years for modest short term gains?
These morons need to be fired- and prosecuted- and most of them put in jail or shot. Real jail or real bullets. Stealing $500 at a 7-11 is 5 years in prison- stealing $150 billion dollars and destroying an American institution is worth a bonus- and continued employment. All of us will be paying for these crooks for decades to come- and the bonuses aren’t even the tip of the iceburg.