Seattle, WA 98136
“Meet the Authors” from West Seattle at Morgan Junction Festival June 18th:
Where can you find Greek Gods, homicide detectives, and wanton boys all sharing one tent? On Saturday, June 18, they will be gathering under an awning at the Morgan Junction Community Festival in West Seattle.
These are just a few of the dynamic characters that West Seattle authors bring to life in their novels and memoirs for your reading pleasure in genres as diverse as fantasy, young adult fiction, poetry, and memoir. A group of fifteen West Seattle authors will present their work at different times throughout the day under a banner inviting you to “Meet the Authors,” from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday, June 18th.
This is the second year for the free “Meet the Authors” booth located in the vendor area behind Zeek’s Pizza, 6459 California Ave. SW. Two tents will host author presentations and a third will offer their books for sale through local bookseller Merryweather Books. Merryweather’s, 4537 California Ave. SW, also carries the books year round, with a special section of the store dedicated to local authors.
Authors participating in readings throughout the day are: Alice Ann Kuder, Allan Batchelder, Arleen Williams, Cherie Tucker, Christine Brant, Christopher Anderson, David Kannas, Gail Engebretson, Jeanette Chaplin, Lisa Richesson, Michael G. Hickey, Molly Ringle, Sonya Elliott, Theresa McCormick, and Victoria Randall.
Facebook event page here.
For more Information, including a list of authors, book titles and genres, contact Alice
Ann Kuder, 206-708-9800,