Community Conversation about Cannabis

May 26, 2016 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Senior Center of West Seattle
4217 SW Oregon St
Seattle, WA 98116

Seniors are the fastest growing demographic of cannabis consumers and they often have a lot of questions about what is legal and what is safe. NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) Women of Washington is offering Cannabis Education for Seniors here at the Senior Center of West Seattle on Thursday, May 26th at 2 pm.

NORML is the Nation’s oldest marijuana consumer’s lobby. NORML Women of Washington is a chapter comprised of women who are dedicated to education and outreach on marijuana in the State of Washington. Members of this group will be facilitating a conversation about cannabis.

Topics to be discussed include the basics of marijuana history, laws, industrial uses; non-intoxicating health, nutritional, and beauty aids; and information on products such as tinctures, edibles, concentrates, vaping, and pain-relief patches and creams. The NORML Women representatives will also talk about myths regarding marijuana and can brief the latest research on medical marijuana and addiction. Bring your questions–There will be ample time allotted for questions and for sharing wisdom across generations!

So if you’d like to learn more about cannabis, please join us for this free event! Also, there will be lemonade and brownies…No, not those kind of brownies! Hope to see you there!

2 Replies to "Community Conversation about Cannabis"

  • Worksmoothly May 26, 2016 (11:52 am)


  • Sue May 26, 2016 (1:14 pm)

    Really? I’ve worked with seniors for the past 10 years and the subject of recreational marijuana has never come up in conversation.  Just another way to normalize the stoner lifestyle.

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