3830 22nd Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98106
“Bring a new or gently used backpack and stuff it with first aid, food, toiletry products, and a handwritten letter by you. Then Stephanie’s Lifeline will hand them out along with a winter jacket to help keep some people warm this winter and also give a little HOPE and encouragement to our friends on the streets.
We ask that everyone bring at least one backpack… the more the better. We are hoping to fill 200 with a first aid kit, toiletries, a few food items and a drink. We will also take the time to hand write 200 notes of encouragement to put in each bag in order to just give a little HOPE and bring a smile to the face of a person who likely doesn’t smile much these days. Each backpack will be accompanied by a coat and given out to homeless individuals currently in need.
Please feel welcome to bring any items you would like including any first aid, food, drink, and/or toiletry items, backpack and/or winter coat.
We will be providing light snacks and refreshments and it will give us all time to chat and network. Please RSVP if you are interested in joining the party! Or if you are unable to join the group but would like to donate, visit our gofundme
page https://www.gofundme.com/BackPACKSBringHOPE and make a donation toward the purchase of the items or drop some items off before the date of the party.YOU ARE WELCOME TO INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!”
Event takes place at 3830 22nd Ave SW Seattle, WA 98106
November 28, 2015 2:00 PM
-Stephanie Endres