Gardens of eatin’: 1st “edible” tour, plus a Longfellow update

June 10, 2008 1:27 pm
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That lovely cauliflower photo is courtesy of Aviva with Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle, which is now recruiting participants for its upcoming first-ever Edible Garden Tour. Here’s the official announcement:

Are you a gardener in West Seattle or White Center who is growing an abundant food garden?
Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle is having an Edible Garden Tour July 26th.

Are you…..
Committed to growing food in an urban environment?
Interested in meeting other food gardeners?
Sharing information and inspiration?

We are looking for a diversity of gardens both in size and driving principles. Please add your garden to the tour!

Call: Helen at 206- 932-9537 (before 8 pm please) or e-mail Aviva at:

In other “edible garden” news, we have an update on Longfellow Creek Garden:


That’s one of the photos sent to us by organizer Zach, as he announced that Cedar Grove has donated 30 cubic yards of compost. He’s also continuing to organize volunteers, and currently asking if there’s a regular day of the week/month they want to sign up for. His e-mail address is; you can also track LCG’s progress at their site,

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