Update: Jade West proprietor out of Harborview; son’s still there

As promised over the weekend, we checked today with Harborview Medical Center regarding the status of Jade West Cafe proprietor Wah Wong and his family, hurt two weeks ago when a suspected drunk driver crashed into them outside the family’s Beacon Hill home. WSB’er “Grr” — who put up a get-well card Saturday on the cafe’ door (photo) — reported the hospital told him Wah Wong was out, and indeed, that’s been confirmed, but 22-year-old son Jason Wong is still in the hospital, now listed in satisfactory condition; court documents filed in the case say his left leg was so badly damaged, it had to be amputated below the knee. Wah Wong’s wife Salina Wong was not admitted to Harborview, according to the media relations department, so we don’t know her status. The driver charged with vehicular assault for hitting them, 50-year-old Rodney James, remains in jail, his bail set at $250,000. From court documents, his history is described as follows:

The defendant is currently on a suspended sentence for an reckless driving (amended from driving under the influence) that was sentenced on 1/21/09 in King County District Court … his other known criminal and moving history includes NVOL (7/3/08), DWLS (5/9/03), and speeding (7/3/08). His currently known out-of-state history includes a Fresno, CA VUCSA (8/2/1990) and a Graterford, PA Escape-county prison (1/28/1981). Graterford is Pennsylvania’s largest maximum security prison.

NVOL is “no valid operator’s license”; DWLS is driving with a suspended license; VUCSA is a “controlled substance” (drugs) charge. Meantime, no new info yet on how long Jade West will stay closed.

5 Replies to "Update: Jade West proprietor out of Harborview; son's still there"

  • Jacob December 28, 2009 (11:24 pm)

    Thanks for the update on Wah & Jade West, I wish his son as best a recovery as possible. Will stop by to sign the card tomorrow.

  • grr December 29, 2009 (8:40 pm)

    thanks for the update. Our hearts go our to Jason as his life has forever been changed.

    looking at this dirtbag’s past criminal record, $250k is WAY too low for bail. Multiple driving violations, a suspended reduced DUI to ReckDriv sentence as well?? And a prision escape in 81? WTF???
    – It’s time this moron spent a LOT of time behind bars, as well as NEVER being allowed in a motor vehicle again. Absolutely stunning.

  • CB December 30, 2009 (9:01 am)

    What really sucks is this guy will get a relatively short sentence. Who knows, by the time his trial is over, he’ll may be out on time served. DWI needs to be a felony.

  • grr December 30, 2009 (12:26 pm)

    right with ya CB. I would LOVE to see a FIRST TIME DUI (with no injuries) become a MANDATORY 48 hrs in jail. NO execptions. If there’s an accident or injury involved, the time goes up proportionatly.

    THIS moron should be off the streets for at least 5 years MINIMUM for what happened.-

    I’m all for ‘innocent until proven guilty’, but it’s lawfirms that advertise THIS kinda crap that simply infuritate me.


  • Claire j December 30, 2009 (12:50 pm)

    This person should never have a driver’s license ever again. I would hope not anyway.

    Also it seems to me way to many pedestrians are being hit by cars these days. Beyond the news worthy hits the last few years my husband and I witnessed a crosswalk hit that never made the news and I was almost run down last summer on the Morgan Junction light controlled crosswalk by a young woman in a sports car.

Sorry, comment time is over.