West Seattle Crime Watch: More car break-ins

September 27, 2009 9:31 pm
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Bad weekend for more than half a dozen car owners in one local condo complex – hit by two nights of break-ins, and nowhere near the break-in report we had here earlier. Read on for the story:

That’s one of three photos sent by Elizabeth, with this report:

My sister and I live in the Village Square Condos across from Westwood Village. Saturday morning, our condo homeowner’s association president rang our doorbell around 8:30 to inform us that my car had been broken into. The driver’s side window was smashed, and the center console was cleaned out.

They didn’t get much, just a cell phone charger and headset, an iPod charger, and a stereo faceplate (they didn’t even take the stereo itself). They hit three other cars in our lot. They hit our lot again on Saturday night, and four more cars were hit, including my sister’s car. They took nothing out of it, just rifled through the glove box after smashing the passenger side window. Since the complex was hit two nights in a row, the association president called the cops and got them to come out, and they took statements and fingerprinted around the windows. Out of the eight cars hit this weekend, three were in plain view of 25th Ave SW and five were in covered parking behind the complex. Others weren’t as lucky as we were – at least one stereo and sub-woofer were stolen, and another car’s dashboard was torn apart (but they left the stereo attached). Also, several of the sedans that were broken into had only the smallest back windows smashed, which unfortunately is the most expensive window to replace on a car (according to the guy who replaced my window yesterday).

From the resources list at the bottom of the WSB Crime Watch page – police tips on car-prowl (break-in) deterrence.

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