West Seattle wildlife: “Wollet, all grown up”

That’s how Trileigh captioned this photo of the young Lincoln Park-born barred owl who was nicknamed “Wollet” during a rash of sightings that followed our first owlet report, which came from Kim and Jordan Petram and included this next photo, back in late May:

(Among other photo reports that followed, Minette contributed too.) Back to today’s top photo – Trileigh elaborates:

I found an owl in Lincoln Park on Sunday, but I wasn’t sure whether it was Wollet or one of his parents. He looked so freshly washed that I thought it was probably “our” baby. Then when I showed his picture to one of my owl-expert friends, she confirmed that it is indeed Wollet: apparently you can tell by his white tail feathers. Hooray! So glad to see that little guy one more time. My friend also tells me he’s likely to start searching for his own territory — so each sighting could be the last.

She has more photos at flickr.com/photos/trileigh. Meantime, we’ve received a few other beautiful West Seattle bird-sighting photos recently (thank you!!!!) and will share them soon too.

8 Replies to "West Seattle wildlife: "Wollet, all grown up""

  • star55 August 12, 2009 (4:23 pm)

    Thanks so much for sharing your photos, I hve truly enjoyed them.

  • jiggers August 12, 2009 (5:25 pm)

    Lots of tasty squirrels in the park.

  • Greg August 12, 2009 (6:52 pm)

    Do you teach at Seattle U, trileigh?

  • Elizabeth Carpenter August 12, 2009 (7:36 pm)

    Gorgeous – how wonderful to have these photographers charting Wollet’s growing-up.

  • Jose August 12, 2009 (9:10 pm)

    That is SO cool! Thanks for sharing that with us.

  • CA August 13, 2009 (8:02 am)

    Awww, he is gorgeous! Thanks for all the awesome pics/updates! Its nice to know people, can take pics and respect wildlife! (especially from start to now). Hope we can get a few more pics before he relocates! =)

  • Barb August 14, 2009 (11:43 pm)

    It pays to read the West Seattle Blog, as my bird book didn’t have the Barred Owl in its owl section. Glad we have Audubon, too. “Owlie” was spotted on a dead branch above our pond by my three cats. Interest was mutual, and my husband was wondering just how hungry that owl might have been! It was dark, and I didn’t want to shine the flashlight in its eyes. Couldn’t take my eyes off of it, but didn’t want to miss its dramatic take-off. Thanks so much for the ID and the great pictures. Can anyone suggest a good spot to look for this family in Lincoln Park?

  • Trileigh August 18, 2009 (7:29 pm)

    It really has been fascinating getting to witness this little guy’s “childhood”! And how wonderful that so many West Seattleites enjoy nature as much as I do.

    By the way, there was a young Cooper’s Hawk at the north end of the park a couple of days ago, pretty close to the ground. You can see photos of him on the Flickr site mentioned in the WS Blog article. Keep looking out, everyone! You never know what critter might show up next.

    (P.S. – Greg, you can get in touch with me at my regular email.)

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