Update: Butch the Shiba Inu is returned to his family

Just got word from Mary and Ray Eldridge that Butch the dog, who they believe was stolen from outside the High Point Library, is back home safe – after turning up at a veterinarian’s office in Bothell. They say they’re getting the story secondhand so not sure how much to believe, but in short, Butch reportedly was taken to Beacon Hill after being stolen, rescued from the alleged thieves by a security guard who in turn took him to a public facility where a worker cared for him and got him checked out at the Bothell vet – who scanned him and found the microchip with ownership information. They add, “We are lucky. And we’ve learned a hard lesson. Thank you to everyone who was busy keeping an eye open for Butch! It’s good to know that the bad guys aren’t the only ones at work out there.”

33 Replies to "Update: Butch the Shiba Inu is returned to his family"

  • d February 2, 2009 (6:44 pm)

    Good news!

    Butch – the lucky dog!

    \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/

  • onceachef February 2, 2009 (6:50 pm)

    Woof…good to hear!

  • What The February 2, 2009 (6:52 pm)

    Bothell? I think Butch just created a new transportation offering…”Ride Your Dog to Work Day”?

  • JanS February 2, 2009 (6:53 pm)

    wow…something inside my head says that he didn’t get to Bothell under his own power…sooooo glad he’s home :)

  • pigeonmom February 2, 2009 (7:00 pm)


  • j February 2, 2009 (7:02 pm)

    Wow! What an adventure Butch had. I just hope that he is okay mentally. That had to be a very frightening experience for him. Glad to hear that he’s home!

  • morcaffeineplease February 2, 2009 (7:10 pm)

    Score one for the good guys! Wishing plenty of good karma for the security guard who helped out.
    Butch is one lucky dog and I’m sure the Eldridges are ecstatic…and relieved. Puppy kisses and extra treats for Butchie tonite!!

  • jeannie February 2, 2009 (7:16 pm)

    Hooray and hugs for Butch! Glad to hear this great news.

  • Creighton February 2, 2009 (7:19 pm)

    Good to hear he’s back. I wonder what made the security guard take action?

  • AD February 2, 2009 (7:28 pm)

    YAY!! Welcome home, Butch! So so so very lucky.

  • JoB February 2, 2009 (7:28 pm)

    i am glad to hear that butch is home…

    and i hope you have learned that it is not safe to tie your dog outside the library.. or any other place.. while you go inside.

    i worry about my shibas when i leave them in a locked car.. or in our yard unless we are out there with them.

  • WTF February 2, 2009 (7:35 pm)

    Yeah! Glad to hear; not sure what I would do if someone stole our dog.

    Just remember, treat & protect your four legged family members as you would your two legged family members! F you to who stole him!

  • What The February 2, 2009 (7:35 pm)

    JoB – “A Locked Car”….where the windows down or up? What was the atmospheric temp and windchill component? :)

  • Chuck and Sally\'s Van Man February 2, 2009 (7:36 pm)

    Wa-hoooooooooooooooooo! This story really bothered me and I’m so glad he is home safe and sound. I feel really happy for the owners–they did nothing wrong. But…it’s made me reconsider tying my dog up at Thriftway while I run in and grab a few items. My dog’s a bit people shy and will back away from people so it would be very tough to get ahold of him. Still, not sure I will take the chance any longer.

    Give that dog a big hug and a big bone! He’s beautiful .


  • cali February 2, 2009 (7:39 pm)

    Oh, what great news!!!

  • Bettytheyeti February 2, 2009 (7:43 pm)

    I squeeled with delight on learning Butchie’s return. Yes, puppy kisses and Butchie treats all around. I so wished for this outcome.

  • DC February 2, 2009 (7:49 pm)

    What great news! WELCOME HOME Butch

  • happyaboutbutch February 2, 2009 (8:22 pm)

    Yeah! I said a prayer for him and it worked!

  • Robindianne February 2, 2009 (8:43 pm)

    OMG I am so glad for you. First thing I did when I got home from work today is tell my husband how worried I was for your Butch. I thought about him all day, and not just because we have a shiba too. Yay yay yay for you!!!!!!

  • JW February 2, 2009 (8:49 pm)

    Excellent outcome – good to have microchips in all 4 legged friends but as an owner of 2 beautiful (aren’t they all) dogs in this day and age don’t leave them tied up unattended and if in car lock up with windows slightly down in cool weather only please…

  • nants February 2, 2009 (10:22 pm)

    Sooo happy for Butch and Mom and Dad!! Used to live in Bothell and had an awesome vet there…was it Canyon Park Vets that scanned Butch and helped finalize this happy ending?! Congrats to all and yes, lotsa treats for Butch tonight:)

  • Gina February 3, 2009 (7:20 am)

    I am so glad that Butch is home safely!!!! Please let this be a lesson to everyone not to leave your pets tied up outside where someone can easily snatch them up!!!!!

  • Cheryl February 3, 2009 (7:41 am)

    Wow! Lucky indeed!

  • linasenzerrose February 3, 2009 (8:29 am)

    yay! what a lucky doggie!

  • WS Chic February 3, 2009 (9:21 am)

    Welcome home Butch!! I was hoping for a quick and happy reunion.

  • cathyw February 3, 2009 (9:53 am)

    Well, somehow I just knew that Butch was going to be found and returned. He was just too “hot” and too dynamic a personality (it shows in the photo) to be hidden successfully for very long. I wish I knew more details about his adventure. Rescued by a “security guard” on Beacon Hill? Turned in at a “public place”? Shows up in Bothell?
    It’s all very vague and intriguing….
    Well, I’m just thrilled for everyone that it turned out well….

  • Sean February 3, 2009 (10:38 am)

    Woohoo, I’m so happy to hear this!

  • JoB February 3, 2009 (11:42 am)

    what the..

    do you want an event by event report with the temp and inches the window was down and cubic space and whether or not i installed a solar screen and/or a ventilation fan :)

    for that i will have to post on the forum…

    or will my assurances that i love those dogs more than i can say and that i take better care of them than i do of myself do?

    I think most dog owners feel the same… it’s just good to be reminded that just because we mostly get away with risky behavior doesn’t mean it isn’t risky for our four legged friends…

    i just found out that we may end up surgically repairing the damage done by a car to one of our little shibas before we adopted her…

    this is why containment and leash laws matter so much… they protect our little friends from danger.

  • Cami February 3, 2009 (12:53 pm)

    Wow! Good news.

  • biankat February 3, 2009 (3:29 pm)

    OMG – fantastic news :)

  • TeresaP February 3, 2009 (3:37 pm)

    i worry about my shibas when i leave them in a locked car..

    DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PETS LOCKED IN CARS!!! Even on days like today, it is crispy cold yet sunny. But that car heats up no matter the temp outside when the sun is out!!!

    I am not trying to be rude or suggest you are a bad pet owner, but dogs bodies are so much different than ours, they get hot so much faster than humans!

  • Mary February 4, 2009 (3:29 pm)

    Shiba owners….keep good watch on your Shibas! Butch was definitely targeted for his breed and the fact that they can be feisty little dogs if provoked.

    Thank you to all of you for your caring, support, and keeping a look out for Butch. He is unharmed physically, very tired, and happy to be home. He “talked” at me for about 5 minutes (which he never does!) when I got home from work on Monday. I think he really was balling us out and trying to tell us what happened to him. He was in a bad place and we are grateful that someone had a conscience.

  • SeattleMama February 5, 2009 (12:44 pm)

    I’m so glad your dog came back to you!

    Honestly though, I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often… I always worry when I see a pup tied out in front of a business (especially small dogs or other popular breeds), it would just be too easy to untie them and walk away.

Sorry, comment time is over.