Happening this week, installment #1

September 8, 2008 8:13 am
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 |   Neighborhoods | Transportation | West Seattle news

Lots happening in the week ahead, so we’ll try doing previews in installments. First: Tomorrow night. The big Tuesday night event is the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce-sponsored transportation forum at West Seattle High School — open-house format 6-7, moderated Q/A 7-8 pm. The Chamber has gathered reps who are experts on all the pieces of the increasingly complex getting-in-and-out-of-WS transportation puzzle – Alaskan Way Viaduct, Spokane Street Viaduct, Metro buses, Water Taxi, etc. Two neighborhood groups that usually meet on the second Tuesday of each month have changed their plans because of the forum, and two have not – Admiral Neighborhood Association will have a short business meeting at 8 pm at WSHS after the forum; Junction Neighborhood Organization is canceling its meeting so members can attend (and rallying volunteers for the Gateway Cleanup coming up this Saturday). Still on as usual tomorrow night: Westwood Neighborhood Council (7 pm Tuesday, Southwest Community Center, focusing on its current top issue, the future of the current Denny Middle School site) and Fauntleroy Community Association (7 pm Tuesday, Fauntleroy Schoolhouse). One more Tuesday night note: Another Seal Sitters training session, 7 pm at Alki Community Center (here’s our coverage of the one they had last month).

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