Free-with-2-cans-of-food dance class for tots

November 20, 2012 @ 10:45 am – 10:45 am
Highland Park Improvement Club
1116 Southwest Holden Street
Seattle, WA 98106

Jenna Richter at Gildenfire Dance is holding a pre-Thanksgiving food raising event on November 20th at 10:45 am at Highland Park Improvement Club, for kids ages 2-4:

I am going to teach a free-with-2-cans-of-food dance class for ages 2-4 with parent or caregiver to benefit the West Seattle Food Bank. The class will be 10:45 on Tuesday morning at Highland Park Improvment Club and is open to residents of West Seattle and White Center. The class is Creative Movement. We will do a Brain Dance Warm-Up, play some dance games like Freeze Dance and Underwater Adventure, do a Dancing Story and end with an amazing obstacle course and open play time for kids to practice their hula-hooping, somersaulting, mini-trampoline, ball skills and free dancing with scarves.

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