WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Incidents at Harbor Ave. and 35th/Avalon 7-11s, Triangle mini-mart

Just before going off watch around 3 am, we heard a flurry of possible robbery calls. The police-radio traffic about them ebbed, so we asked for report narratives. SPD says two resulted in reports:

HARBOR AVE 7-11 ROBBERY: This was reported as “three young males” running into the store “yelling ‘This is a robbery’.” The clerk said they demanded that he open the register; no weapons were seen or implied, “but they were aggressive, and he felt fear,” the officer wrote in their report. Two started taking money while the third collected tobacco products; all three subsequently grabbed food items too. The report says security video reviewed by police showed two were dressed in all black, the third in a hoodie with blue jeans. They apparently waited “for the newspaper run to be delivered” and took the opportunity to run into the store just as the clerk was about to lock the door.

35TH/AVALON 7-11 THEFT: SPD said this did not result in a full report but the dispatch was for a report of theft from the 35th/Avalon 7-11 while the clerk had taken refuge in a locked area in the back.

FAUNTLEROY SHELL ROBBERY ATTEMPT: Police were called to the station/mini-mart in the 4500 block of Fauntleroy Way SW. The clerk said that less than 15 minutes earlier, a black four-door sedan pulled up and someone described as “male, in black clothing, black ski mask, approximately 5’8″” got out and tried to enter the mini-mart – but the clerk had already locked the door, which the person then tried, and failed, to force open. The clerk said he saw “another male in black clothing waiting next to the vehicle.” Both then got into the car and left. Police found more than 20 “tobacco products” outside the mini-mart door that might have been loot from one or both earlier incidents.

11 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Incidents at Harbor Ave. and 35th/Avalon 7-11s, Triangle mini-mart"

  • Psa 7/11 workers and owners protect yourself December 27, 2024 (1:42 pm)

    If you fear for your life you should put yourself first and do whatever you need to to live. 

  • Beth December 27, 2024 (2:50 pm)

    Has anyone ever seen in recent years 7-11 corporate stand on safety? Me either.Is robbery and assault now pert of their mission statement? 🤬

  • Patrick December 27, 2024 (3:05 pm)

    Same crew responsible for all three robberies?!

  • Deejay December 27, 2024 (7:38 pm)

    Harbor Avenue 7-11???? is that a new pop-up?  

  • WSEnvironmentalist December 28, 2024 (3:08 pm)

    Do SPD, the mayor and Rob Saka read the blog?  How can they not know nor offer protection to Harbor Ave and Alki?  If we were just a neighborhood this would be bad but because we are thoroughfare with walkers on the trail, bicyclist, a ferry terminal, and view enthusiast who visit from around the planet, this is a potential disaster.  One would think that patrolling the area would be a priority.  If Seattle is not careful, we will be removed from tourist guides and only visitors here will be from cruise ships.  And the drag racing …. why can this not be stopped?  We are afraid to leave our house at night.

  • 50ftQueenie December 29, 2024 (11:03 am)

    Ridiculous. So tired of these incidents. Do 7-11 employees need to start wearing bulletproof vests? 

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