FOLLOWUP: Here’s how Lou Cutler’s Boston Marathon-plus walk for Make-A-Wish went

Last week we told you about retired West Seattle PE teacher Lou Cutler‘s plan to participate in a walk on the Boston Marathon route as his journey this year to raise money and awareness for Make-A-Wish – something he did with an annual daylong event on the Pathfinder K-8 field for 20 years. We asked him to let us know how it goes – and here’s the followup! (Note that the “Jimmy Fund” references are related to the walk-sponsoring organization’s fight against childhood cancer – which dovetails with Lou’s cause.)

The Boston Marathon walk went great for 14 miles and then sore feet made it a struggle to complete the course, but I did and feel great about the achievement. I was very inspired by the pictures of children with cancer all along the route and those pictures reinforced the purpose and inspiration of the walk for me, to support Make A Wish children and help raise money to provide spectacular Wishes for children with critical illnesses!

When I finally hobbled across the finish line after 11 hours of walking, my name and hometown was announced and helped make the walk even more meaningful.

One other very special part of the walk was Jim, a friend since Kindergarten walked the half marathon and we met up halfway through the course and we finished together!

The significance of the picture of mile 21 is that it is at the top of Heartbreak Hill and all downhill and flat the rest of the way.

Traditionally, a marathon is 26.2 miles, but they moved the finish line from where the runners would finish because they needed extra space, so that is why the walk was extended to 27 miles.

If you’re inclined to help Lou support Make-A-Wish kids – for whom he’s volunteered in other ways for decades, as well as his annual fundraising laps – here’s his custom donation link.

1 Reply to "FOLLOWUP: Here's how Lou Cutler's Boston Marathon-plus walk for Make-A-Wish went"

  • Marcy Grantor October 8, 2024 (1:54 pm)

    Lou’s the Best!!!! He has a huge fan club! Way to go Lou!!!

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