DOG PARK: Next step toward West Seattle’s second off-leash area – ‘engagement event’ later this month

(2023 Seattle Parks image of stadium study area for off-leash area)

Half a year after finalizing the location for West Seattle’s second off-leash area, Seattle Parks is inviting you to a “community engagement event” to find out more about it and offer comments. It’s set for 4-6 pm Wednesday, October 23, at West Seattle Stadium (where the new off-leash area will be created in the “unpaved overflow parking lot” south of the stadium). Parks’ announcement of the event says, “SPR’s project team and design consultant will be available to answer questions, present design concepts, and gather valuable community feedback (to) help shape the final design.” The announcement adds, “Attendees are also encouraged to bring their dogs on-leash in costume for a fun treat. SPR will be accepting pet food donations to benefit the Seattle Animal Shelter at the event or you can visit to donate.” Parks says the off-leash area “will include fencing, seating for pet owners, and an environmentally friendly stormwater bioretention area with thoughtful plantings.” The project page says Parks is currently aiming to build the new West Seattle off-leash area in 2026.

1 Reply to "DOG PARK: Next step toward West Seattle's second off-leash area - 'engagement event' later this month"

  • KK The 2 Dog Owner October 7, 2024 (4:09 pm)

    I’m all for a second off-leash park but I very much doubt that will deter dog owners from taking their dog off-leash outside of the park. West Crest is a laughing stock with all the unleashed dogs outside the fences. “Boohoo bad dog walkers and bad dogs are in the dog park waaaaah”. I know that’s true too but how entitled and snowflakey can you get? “But my dog won’t bite/bark/jump/scratch…” just stop it. You look selfish throwing the frisbee for you 100lb dog on the field right next to a children’s playground right next to the fenced dog park. 

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