READER REPORT: Blue bicycle found abandoned in park

Sent by Sheila:

This was found abandoned at Westcrest Park. Secured now and ready for owner to claim.

Sheila has the bike, so if you think it’s yours, email us – – and we’ll connect you.

2 Replies to "READER REPORT: Blue bicycle found abandoned in park"

  • Mike September 1, 2024 (10:32 am)

    Reporting the serial number to REI might help track the owner.  They’d have records of who bought the bike.

  • kj September 1, 2024 (11:29 am)

    This is not about the bike but a bunch of cars were hit last night about 2 a.m.  in Rite Aid parking lot and along Calif. by a kid who was speeding in circles in the parking lot. Check it out.Don’t know much more. Just got a call from  a neighbor whoheard the crah and saw it. I didn’t.

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