3:21 AM: Right now, police are investigating a robbery reported just after 3 am at the Fauntleroy/Alaska Shell station mini-mart. The only description so far is five Black male teenagers, two dressed in all black, two in gray shirts and black pants, one in a red shirt and black pants, all in masks. They’re believed to have left in a vehicle, heading eastbound on Alaska, but there’s no description of it yet. Police say the clerk didn’t see a weapon but believes they were armed. Dispatch has told officers that this may be linked to a robbery in North Seattle earlier tonight.
12:54 PM: A bit of additional info from SPD – they say the robbers “walked in and pushed the clerk up against the wall demanding money (then) took cash and tobacco products.” SPD also notes that “fingerprints were lifted from the scene.” (added) SPD incident #, if you have any information, is 24-222163.