West Seattle, Washington
12 Wednesday
The artist who created an iconic West Seattle sculpture is asking for support in his quest to save it from being demolished instead of replaced.
That’s the Paragon, installed more than 20 years ago at what’s now known as həʔapus Village Park and Shoreline Habitat (formerly T-107 Park) along West Marginal Way near the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse. We heard from artist Don Fels over the weekend – he explains that this dates back to when he was the lead artist on the West Seattle Cultural Trail on Alki 25+ years ago – and continued it down West Marginal Way. He picks up the story from there, in the email he sent us explaining why he’s asking for community words of support:
I created three sculptures there, including the Geo-Slice, which tells the geomorphic history of the site, and the Paragon, which features a scaled-down wooden framework of a halibut schooner designed and built in Seattle in 1923. The sculpture is now in mortal danger!
The sculpture was a broad ranging collaboration between me, the Port of Seattle, the City of Seattle, the Center for Wooden Boats, Seattle City Light and people from the Croatian community of West Seattle. I obtained the plans for the original Paragon, which is still fishing up in Alaska, and then Michael Vlahovich, a third-generation boat builder, whose grandmother lived on the site, built the wooden ‘boat’ with his boat-building students at Bates Technical College.
Under the boat are several panels giving the history of the site- telling how the Native people who lived and fished there were forced out by destruction of the habitat, how immigrants from (the then) Yugoslavia, Greece, and Italy moved in, often squatting, to live and build boats. The Port bulldozed down their settlement, which even though the Port arranged to have the sculpture created on the site, they let me acknowledge in the text I produced for the sculpture.
Seattle’s Office of Arts and Culture was charged with maintaining the wood boat structure, which they failed to do. There is now considerable rot and it is infested with carpenter ants. Suddenly, their solution to years of their neglect: tear it down. To counter that very real threat, I am organizing a rebuild of the wooden boat (the steel and concrete structure is sound). In very short order I have garnered support from the Center for Wooden Boats, the Burke Museum, the Port of Seattle, the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation, Allied Arts, and thanks to the great help from Ken (Workman), the Duwamish Tribe. I continue to reach out to other potential partners, and am certain there will be many others.
At present we are planning for a community rebuilding of the boat next year. I would WELCOME volunteers, donations of materials, etc etc. But for now I’m looking to get letters from the community sent to the Office of Arts and Culture from people who want the sculpture to remain and be fixed up. They can be directed to the Deputy Director, Kelly Davidson. Her email is Kelly.Davidson@seattle.gov.
Fels is meeting with her on Tuesday morning and adds, “If anyone feels compelled to write her, it would be wonderfully helpful if they did so before then, so that she sees there is real support to save the sculpture. I want them to take ‘deaccessioning’ (i.e. destroying it) off their agenda. This is very important ASAP, because once they officially stamp it ‘deaccessioned,’ the sculpture goes from being an artwork to a corpse.” If you can spare a moment to email Kelly Davidson, Don adds, please cc him, at donatofels@gmail.com.
ADDED TUESDAY MIDDAY: Here’s the statement we received from the Office of Arts and Culture:
The Office of Arts & Culture envisions a city driven by creativity that provides the opportunity for everyone to engage in diverse arts and cultural experiences. Deaccessioning artworks is always a last resort. The first priority of any public artwork commission is to ensure that there is no risk to the public if the structure were to break apart or collapse.
Don Fels’ Paragon has stood at həʔapus Village Park & Shoreline Habitat since 2001, honoring its surrounding communities. It is one of 400 art works in the Seattle Civic Art Collection, each of which requires maintenance. The Office of Arts and Culture has maintained the structure over the years, however, Seattle’s rainy climate, the passage of time (23 years) and the original materials used in Paragon have resulted in this very natural outcome. We look forward to meeting with Mr. Fels this week to discuss the options for potentially saving the current structure. (Indeed, we will be meeting with Mr. Fels later this morning). That said, the structure is currently a significant safety hazard that must be addressed as soon as possible.
Anytime people are moved by art, we consider our mission successful.That you all feel passionate about this artwork to write to us and save it makes us proud.
Gülgün Kayim
Director, Seattle Office of Arts & Culture
Thanks to Al for sending the photo and report on West Seattle Bike Connections‘ “Little STP” ride today:
Here’s the photo from the end of today’s WSSTP … 27 people, 26 pedalers, and one fantastic time!
As previewed here, the “little STP” is WS Bike Connections’ annual riff off the Seattle to Portland (STP) ride that’s also happening this weekend – this one goes from SW Seattle Street in North Admiral to SW Portland Street in Gatewood, with the option for riders to then go back to The Junction to visit West Seattle Summer Fest.
4:24 PM: Seattle Fire and Police are converging for what SFD has classified as a “scenes of violence” response at 35th/Morgan. Updates to come.
4:28 PM: Police have just told dispatch they haven’t found a victim yet. So the SFD response has been closed. We have a crew en route to find out what the initial report was.
4:32 PM: The initial call appears to have involved gunfire, according to another radio exchange. A K9 team was on their way.
4:37 PM: Police confirmed to us on scene that they’re investigating gunfire but so far no one has been found hit/hurt. They’re investigating on the east side of the 35th/Morgan intersection, which is blocked, so avoid the area.
5:17 PM: Just went through 35th/Morgan on our way back from Summer Fest. The intersection is now fully open, no police in sight.
6:13 PM: Listening back to archived police radio from around time of this dispatch, we so far have not found descriptions of the circumstances or shooter/s, but a mention that officers found at least four casings, and that “suspects” were last seen southbound on 34th. The incident #, if you have any information, is 24-194122.
ADDED MONDAY: We followed up with SPD, and received this summary:
On July 14, Seattle police responded to the area of 35th Avenue Southwest and Southwest Morgan Street for shots fired at about 4:12 p.m. It was reported one man fired a shot toward another man and they both left the area. A wall of a nearby building had several holes from the gunshots and shell casings were recovered. A King County Sheriff’s Office K9 was called to the scene. No suspect or shooting victim was located.
4:18 PM: Thanks for the tip! A midsize Seattle Fire callout is on scene in the 9200 block of 14th SW. Texter reports, “Fire Dept callout on 14th is a fire on the back deck. Fire escaped the grill and caught deck and nearby tree on fire.”
5:05 PM: The call is closed. We’ll follow up with SFD.
(QUICK LINKS: Music lineup … food/drink info … merchant/vendor info … Kids Zone info … bus reroutes … previous WSB coverage here)
10:20 AM: West Seattle Summer Fest‘s third and final day is on! Managing a festival involves a lot of tasks large and small – above, that’s Stacie Woods, event director for the West Seattle Junction Association (which presents Summer Fest) writing the stage lineup on a chalkboard out front of the Info Booth. We’re on the north side, WSJA volunteers with merch are on the west side, and SPD crime-prevention coordinator Jennifer Satterwhite is back with free steering-wheel locks (32 of them, while they last – they’re going fast!) and other swag until 1 pm.
If you don’t get to the festival today, you can email Jennifer to get one at the precinct. … If you’ve missed previous mentions, the Farmers’ Market is NORTH OF SW OREGON today, since there’s no main-stage music today, just the West Side Stage (in Junction Plaza Park) plus buskers – the band Better As Brass will be starting soon on the east side of California just north of Alaska. More coverage to come – the festival is on until 5 pm today!
11:11 AM: One more reminder – Farmers’ Market vendors are north of Oregon today – one block north of their usual spot. We just strolled through and saw all the usual favorites. Also along the way, the north face painter (there’s also one on the south block, both midblock) – busy!
Bringing your pup to the festival? They can cool off in the mini-pools outside Next to Nature on the west side of California a bit north of Alaska:
11:35 AM: Better As Brass is taking a break (after their last set included street-band versions of Britney Spears‘s “Toxic” and The Eurhythmics‘ “Sweet Dreams”) but will resume playing soon! We recorded a bit of their opening set:
12:01 PM: You have another hour and a half to go contribute to the community mural that Stacey Sterling is leading in Junction Plaza Park:
Stacey tells us you can help paint until 1:30 pm. After that, the mural-in-progress will be available for viewing only, until the festival ends at 5 pm. Also in the park, The Potholes’ second show of the festival is happening right now on the West Side Stage. … Up on the north block (between Oregon and Alaska), east side, look for the West Seattle Food Bank‘s booth to get your $10 raffle ticket that is also a discount coupon for some local venues, as we explained Thursday:
Back here at the Info Booth, SPD has now given away all the steering-wheel locks they brought (but, again, there’s more at the precinct, so contact Jennifer).
1:06 PM: Over at the Kids’ Zone, Tilden School (WSB sponsor) is in charge today:
If you’re just plugging into festival info today – new at the Kids’ Zone are the “foam party” and arcade games (courtesy of West Seattle Arcade, which is hoping to open its new Gary’s Place at 2820 Alki in September). … New shift for nonprofits here at the Info Booth – Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network on the east side….
… and WestSide Baby on the south side.
1:28 PM: Half an hour left to get to the Farmers’ Market, if you’re hoping to shop there today – their hours are the same as always today, until 2 pm, though the location is different. … On the West Side Stage this hour, we caught a bit of Cellobration – whose music is exactly what you’d guess from their name:
2:24 PM: Just two and a half hours left to get here if you haven’t already visited. We’ve enjoyed seeing so many people we haven’t seen in years – so much of our communicating is done via email and texts – and it’s been great to meet more of the people who send photos and tips, which is why we call WSB a community-collaborative news site. (westseattleblog@gmail.com and/or 206-293-6302, text/voice – we’ve had that number since launching WSB as a business in summer 2007). … Casey Freedom, second-to-last musical performer of the festival, is on the West Side Stage right now, and the final band, Annie O’Neill w/ Jim and Beth Wulff, is coming up at 3. … Roaming here at California/Alaska a few minutes ago, the robot you otherwise can visit in the Kids’ Zone (SW Alaska west of California):
The Kids’ Zone also has visitors from the Pacific Science Center today with an engineering-themed exhibit.
3:20 PM: Last musical act of Summer Fest (not counting the scattered buskers), Annie O’Neill with Jim and Beth Wulff, is onstage at Junction Plaza Park right now:
Meantime, the biggest food-related question we’ve received is where to find Dirty Dogs. They’re up near California/Oregon, where you’ll find a few additional food vendors beyond what’s in the “official” food zone on Alaska east of California. Another big food question – where to find ice cream – one local option is the Shug’s cart in the official food zone (visiting from Shug’s Mini at California/Charlestown); Seattle Pops is over in the Kids’ Zone; there are others too.
4 PM: Final hour of Summer Fest 2024! We just took one more stroll through the vendors. Stopped again at the Author Event Network booth (west side of the block between Oregon and Alaska), which – as we mentioned in Friday coverage – has been hosting independent authors all weekend. There right now – Irina Van Patten and Guy Morris.
You can read about Irina’s books here – she’s written memoirs about being an immigrant – and Guy’s books – which he describes as “intelligent thrillers” – here. … Not far from the Author Event Network booth, a nice shaded place to sit and enjoy a beverage – The Beer Junction:
If you’re here – music’s done – but the vendors and food/drink are still open for business!
4:58 PM: A final view looking north from California/Alaska:
It’ll take at least several hours to break down all the booths, cables, signage, and everything else that it took to build a festival, so the streets through the heart of The Junction will remain closed until late tonight. Thanks to everyone who was part of the festival, whether a vendor, visitor, volunteer, production crew member, and/or Junction business owner/staffer … it’s been another fun three-day extravaganza!
Jenny reports this happened at her home in Highland Park:
July 13 @ 1:00 AM we were woken up to a guy rattling our front door (our bedroom window is next to the front porch). The door was locked, however. He threw the door mat off the property and left a malt liquor can behind after throwing up on the porch and yelling in apparent frustration. We have video of his face and attempt to open the door, which I have attached here.
We don’t have the permanent # yet but the initial one is T00005609.
8:35 AM: Terence emailed to report that as of less than an hour ago, “There are three orcas in Elliott Bay swimming southbound past the grain terminal toward the central waterfront. Currently about 100 yards offshore.” Let us know if you see them!
8:38 AM: Just a moment after we published that, Kersti Muul texted reporting a large group of transient orcas midchannel off Eagle Harbor (Bainbridge Island), southbound.
12:28 PM: Thanks to everyone for all the updates in comments! We also got a text from Chris Frankovich a short time ago, reporting orcas southbound past the Arroyos. Also, Courtney sent this video via X/Twitter:
Orcas spotted in the Sound off of @westseattleblog ✨@komonews @seattletimes pic.twitter.com/PMGpo2IAMR
— courtney ✺ (@digitallylee) July 14, 2024
3 PM: Thanks to Dan Ciske for sending a pic from Alki:
4:41 PM: Thanks to Robin Sinner for these photos from Constellation Park:
We begin with the final day of West Seattle Summer Fest and its adjunct event:
(West Seattle’s most-famous marquee, photographed Saturday morning)
FINAL DAY OF WEST SEATTLE SUMMER FEST: 10 am to 5 pm today, and 5 is when everything ends – music, shopping, dining, games – and breakdown begins. So even if you’ve already been, come back and see what you missed – maybe a sambusa and sushi burrito, washed down with light-bulb boba tea, and an elephant ear for dessert? Anyway …
Stage – No main stage on Day 3 but the West Side Stage in Junction Plaza Park has music and more – lineup here.
Meditation – Before the West Side stage music, at 10 am Maari Falsetto will lead another free meditation/gong bath session
Sidewalk Sales – Many of the year-round Junction merchants have laid it all out for you, literally – see what they’ve got!
Kids Zone – Tilden School oversees it today! Games including arcade machines, foam party – all that’s free (schedule’s here), and/or for $ (you can buy in advance), bounce on the big inflatables, SW Alaska east of 44th and in the lot behind KeyBank
Create art – Painter Stacey Sterling is again guiding a sea-theme community mural; find her in Junction Plaza Park
In the Booth – Our coverage continues today from the Info Booth and we’re joined by SPD and Seal Sitters, among others (scroll down this page to see who’s there today). See you in The Junction!
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: As we reminded you again last night, it’s a block north of the usual place, just for today, on California SW north of SW Oregon, same hours – 10 am to 2 pm – same amazing peak summer produce plus lots of other food and beverages.
Also today, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar
LITTLE STP BIKE RIDE: It’s an alternate way to get to Summer Fest, among other things – 9:15 am, riders meet at Hamilton Viewpoint Park for the annual “Little STP” ride, from California SW and SW Seattle in North Admiral to California SW and SW Portland in Gatewood, then doubling back partway to Summer Fest. More info in our calendar listing!
ADMIRAL CHURCH FOOD DRIVE: Continues today – drop off nonperishable-food donations at the church (4320 SW Hill) 9 am-noon.
PLUNGE INTO THE SOUND: At 9 am, you’re welcome to join a group plunge into Puget Sound off Alki – meet at Statue of Liberty Plaza (61st/Alki).
WESTIES RUN CLUB: 9 am, meet at Bel Gatto (9253 45th SW) for the Sunday run.
BENEFIT JEWELRY SALE: In Georgetown but they’d love to have support from West Seattle:
Come to Georgetown for the jewelry sale of the summer from 10 am – 4 pm at 5628 Airport Way South in Seattle! Benefiting women’s shelters in Washington State, we are selling HUNDREDS of pieces of previously loved jewelry at GREAT PRICES that has been carefully refurbished by our volunteers. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, rings, and watches! From silver and gold to vintage, high-quality costume, and bling! Feel free to bring a friend and spread the word! To find out more about WSJP and how your participation in this sale can make a difference, go to our website at womensshelterjewelryproject.org
MOON ROOM SUMMER SALE: 20 percent off again today, in the store (5902 California SW; WSB sponsor) and online at moonroomshop.com – open 11 am-5 pm today!
YOU CAN HELP: Donation drive at Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds):
Alki UCC Donations Drive Sunday, July 21
11:00 am to 3:00 pm, Front CourtyardWe need Kid Food!
Kids are out of school and many no longer have daily meals. Needed: mac and cheese, applesauce/fruit cups, juice packets, peanut butter, tuna, canned spaghetti, hot dogs, etc.
Non-perishable food basics, outdoor gear and men’s work clothes are also needed.
Your donations of food, clothing and outdoor gear are distributed through the Westside Interfaith Network (WIN) Saturday lunch, hosted in White Center.
Deepest gratitude to our community for your generous support of our neighbors in need.
ROCK GARDEN DEDICATION: Happening around noon at Our Lady of Guadalupe (35th and Myrtle, southeast corner of the intersection):
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish will be dedicating its new rock garden on 35th Avenue SW this coming Sunday, July 14, 2024 after the 11:00 a.m. mass. This project began a year ago when the OLG Life, Justice and Peace Commission wanted to ensure that everyone felt welcome at the parish. Parishioners were asked to write down in one to four words – any words – that they wish to identify themselves with. These identification words were gathered together and painted onto rocks by both parishioners and school students throughout the year. This Sunday, we will place these painted rocks into a special area in front of our parish. We are a diverse community, and each stone in this garden is a reflection of who sits in our pews, who attends our school, and who you can consider your neighbor here at OLG. All are welcome. There will also be coffee and donuts available for everyone following the rock garden dedication.
COLMAN POOL: The outdoor heated-salt-water pool on the shore at Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW) is back open to the public today, noon-7 pm – session times are on the Colman Pool webpage.
LINCOLN PARK WADING POOL: Also at Lincoln Park, the season continues for the only city-run wading pool in West Seattle that operates seven days a week, noon-7 pm, in the central upper part of the park near the north play area.
OPEN HOUSE: Deeds Health, on the north end of The Junction (4141 California SW), invites you to an open house at their new clinic, noon-5 pm.
<ALKI POINT LIGHTHOUSE TOURS : Reminder that the historic Alki Point Lighthouse is open to the public today for free tours, 1 pm-3:45 pm, Alki Avenue SW & Point Place SW.
SOCCER: Last home match for Junction FC, vs. Ballard FC, 1 pm, at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle), tickets available online.
LAURE STRUBER PIANO TRIO: 2 pm doors, 2:30 pm concert at Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW) – ticket link in our calendar listing.
GONG BATH & NATURE MEDITATION: 7:30 pm at Lowman Beach Park (7017 Beach Drive SW) – ticket link’s in our calendar listing.
LIVE MUSIC AT THE ALLEY: Enjoy Sunday night music with the Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8-10 pm.
Organizing and/or publicizing something that should be on our community event calendar – one-time or recurring? Please email us the basics – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!