MISSING: Update – teenager found

Andre has been found, so we’ve removed his photo.


Family and friends are asking for help finding Andre, who is 13 years old, 5’2″ tall, last seen wearing black sweatshirt, black jeans, and black Vans, getting off a bus Sunday night at Delridge and Juneau. Police report number is 24-172642. If you see him, call 911 or message 206-825-3300.

8 Replies to "MISSING: Update - teenager found"

  • sbre June 26, 2024 (1:49 pm)

    Hopefully he’s back home and uninjured, very soon!!

  • Lindsey June 26, 2024 (2:22 pm)

    A city bus, I assume, since it was Sunday night. I just want to point out that Delridge and Juneau has no bus stop. The stop would be at Findlay or further south of the STEM school. We will keep an eye out for this kid.

  • BDJ June 26, 2024 (11:05 pm)

    Do the Metro busses have security cameras? If they do, and someone has an idea of when he was on the bus, maybe they can find the person who followed him off the bus. If someone can ID the other guy, maybe that would lead to more clues. I hope he is found and is ok. 

  • Alki resident June 27, 2024 (3:55 pm)

    He has been found. He’s back home safe. 

  • Mrsshaw June 27, 2024 (6:07 pm)

    My husband shared a related item- He was on an east bound C Rapid Ride Wednesday late morning when the bus just stopped just after getting up onto the West Seattle Bridge on-ramp (where the various lanes merge). He was surprised to see the bus driver open the door and a woman gets on the bus (her car was parked in the bridge merge). She goes to the back of the bus and questions 3 teen boys about where they last saw her missing son. She had seen the boys board the bus and wanted to talk to them! Eventually she leaves the bus which continued into downtown. The boys reportedly laughed about her tracking them down. I’m glad that her son has been found. 

    • Alki resident June 27, 2024 (8:06 pm)

      The guys she talked to knew where her son was but wouldn’t tell her. He eventually came home on his own. Its very upsetting for a parent to have a child go missing and then to have to single-handedly pass out flyers and be lied too from other kids. You lose sleep and can’t eat. 

  • J June 28, 2024 (9:31 am)

    I’m so relieved! This has been on my mind. What a traumatic experience for mom.

  • Meryl June 28, 2024 (1:31 pm)

    What a relief! 

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