West Seattle, Washington
08 Saturday
9:34 PM: According to exchanges between dispatch and responders, a pedestrian was hit and injured by a motorcycle rider on the Alki Point “Healthy Street.” Police were still sorting it out, but the most recent exchanges indicated the injured person was in a crosswalk close to Alki Point. They are reported to have suffered a head injury and briefly lost consciousness, and were to be taken to a hospital.
9:49 PM: The motorcycle is stolen, according to further exchanges between officers and dispatch. A commenter says they witnessed the crash and that the motorcycle rider left the scene with other riding friends – that matches with an early radio exchange about a second motorcycle leaving the area after the collision.
(Reader photo, uploaded to comment below)
12:10 AM: Two more commenters below have reports from the scene, including one with the photo we have republished above, showing the motorcycle left behind. Meantime, SPD just provided us with this short early summary:
Shortly after 9:00 p.m., 911 received reports of a man being struck by a motorcycle at Beach Dr SW and SW Benton Pl SW. Police arrived and located a male in his 60’s suffering from a head injury. Seattle Fire Department provided aid and the man refused transport to the hospital. He was later transported to the hospital by family.
Witnesses said the victim was in an altercation with a suspect that was driving a motorcycle. The suspect drove a short distance away, turned around and drove at speeds and struck the man, who was standing in the street. The suspect left the motorcycle on the ground and fled with another motorcyclist on a red/black motorcycle.
The motorcycle that was left by the suspect was verified stolen. The suspect is described as a WM [white male], 5’10”, heavy build, wearing a helmet.
The incident number, if you have information, is 24-173756.
When Seattle Public Schools superintendent Dr. Brent Jones announced earlier today that he would delay the release of a potential school-closure plan until September, that information was the second half of a message to the community. The first half involved another major proposal – possible policies to address school violence. Dr. Jones’s message began with a reference to the recent shooting death of a Garfield High School student; he did not mention January’s shooting death of 15-year-old Chief Sealth International HS student Mobarak Adam, at the Southwest Center/Pool across the street from the school, but that still weighs heavily on hearts and minds here. The superintendent’s message promises “concrete steps to enhance the safety of our school environments.” He promises “to include gun violence prevention in high schools and increased mental health support for all grades” and says he has “allocated over $2 million for staff to improve school building exteriors and campus security.”
Beyond that, he lists possible policy changes that “may include”:
-Increasing SPS security and neighborhood safety organization patrols around our buildings.
-Wearing identification badges on campus.
-Requiring clear backpacks.
-Closing campuses for lunch.
Dr. Jones says he will be talking with “regional and building leaders about the needs of their school communities” before any decisions are made. He also mentioned the SPS Safe Schools Hotline 206-252-0510 that “can be used 24/7 to report any threats to our schools.” Chief Sealth IHS administration said some safety changes were made there after Mobarak Adam’s death, as detailed at a lightly attended safety forum in April.
Once again today, the King County Medical Examiner’s Office daily list did not include the name of the man shot and killed at Duwamish Head early Saturday. But for the first time since the shooting, a small memorial has appeared at the scene, on the sidewalk’s edge alongside the angled-parking area at the viewpoint, steps from where police found the victim after multiple calls about gunfire. We’ve been going by every day since Saturday and this is new since Monday night. So far, authorities have said only that the victim was 22. As reported here earlier today, city reps – in partnership with neighborhood advocates – plan a community meeting at 6 pm tomorrow (Alki UCC, 6115 SW Hinds) to discuss solutions to violence and disorder in the area.
ADDED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON: The KCMEO identified the victim in today’s list – 22-year-old Luis Angel Solis Lara, killed by gunshot wounds to the head and neck.
Story and photos by Jason Grotelueschen
Reporting for West Seattle Blog
A new West Seattle community park with an inspiring origin story was officially opened to the public in an emotional celebration ceremony and ribbon-cutting on Sunday.
The new park, at the south end of the West Seattle Church of the Nazarene property at 4201 SW Juneau St, is called Maarten Park, named after neighbor and congregation member Maarten Verburg, who passed away in 2023 after battling leukemia, and who was instrumental in helping to realize the vision of converting the space into a park.
More than a decade ago, the church began plans to revitalize and redevelop its property, which included building six townhomes, and utilizing the outdoor open space known informally as “the park” which has been used over the years for outdoor movies and gatherings and other events. Sunday’s ceremony, which we previewed earlier last week, represented an important step in officially establishing the park as a true community resource, according to church leaders.
Here’s a video of the ribbon-cutting portion of the ceremony, with Verburg’s wife Marcy Mabry and son Jakob doing the honors, and with an introductory assist from pastor Shaun Mattson, as kids eagerly waited for the park to open:
Prior to the service, the congregation held a “church service in the park,” during which Mattson talked about the history of the church property and the support and generosity of Verburg, whom he said “started as a neighbor, became a friend, and turned into a church member” and was a “gift to us all”:
As the service concluded, the congregation and visitors moved toward the south end of the property, for the park dedication ceremony:
Mattson (at center) invited Joe Paar (at left), a local developer who was instrumental in helping with the church’s property plans including the development of the park, to say a few words, with help from church family member Jayden (at right) who held the ribbon-cutting scissors:
The group also acknowledged the efforts of John Mullan and his team at PlayCreation for donating time and materials to help get the project completed.
Mabry (with her son) then shared that her husband “loved living in this neighborhood; he loved this community and this church,” and she said she’s thankful “for all of the great things to come from having this space for kids, neighbors and community to gather:”
You may notice in the photos that both Mabry and Mattson were wearing Dutch wooden shoes, in honor of Verburg (who was born in the Netherlands, and famously wore the shoes often while working on the church grounds). Mattson joked that “You could always hear Maarten coming!” and Mabry said that she and Maarten even wore the shoes during their wedding):
After the ribbon was cut and the kids and their families happily ran into the park to play, the group prepared and enjoyed a BBQ lunch:
The park itself includes open play areas and playground equipment, in addition to toys for younger kids to enjoy:
Maarten Park is open to the public, south of the church building at the southwest corner of 42nd Ave SW and Juneau St.
(Monday night image from SDOT camera, via X/Twitter)
Monday evening, after reader tips (thank you!), we reported on the West Seattle low bridge being unusable to all surface traffic for two-plus hours. SDOT promised a followup explanation, and here it is:
The Spokane Street Bridge (also known as the West Seattle Low Bridge) was stuck from approximately 5:30 – 8:00 pm on June 24 due to a technical issue with the bridge’s tail locking mechanism.
The tail lock is the equipment that locks the bridge in place so that cars, bikes, and people can safely travel across it (it is called a “tail lock” because it is located where the two sides of the movable bridge meet in the center of the waterway, referred to as the “tail span” of the bridge). A specialized maintenance crew was called in to help diagnose and fix the problem and determined that the issue was likely caused by the bridge spans drifting slightly during the raising and lowering process, causing sensors to detect a misalignment in the locking mechanism.
We are currently working on a series of projects to maintain and modernize the Spokane Street Bridge. This includes a variety of investments to repair or replace the bridge’s control system, electronics, and mechanical parts. While much of this work has already been completed, there are ongoing plans for more repairs to address the bridge’s tail locking mechanism and other related parts.
Our moveable bridges operate with complex mechanical and electrical equipment. Though they are rare, issues with these systems can happen. When an outage occurs, our roadway structures crew and engineers work as fast as possible to restore service to the traveling public. A detailed explanation of our standard procedures to respond to bridge malfunctions is available on this webpage.
(Neighbor photo, early Saturday. Victim was on street side of striped loading zone)
As reported here Monday, District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka promised to convene a “community conversation” in the aftermath of Saturday’s Duwamish Head shootings that killed a 22-year-old man and injured a 27-year-old man. The meeting is now set for tomorrow (Wednesday, June 26) night – here’s the entirety of the announcement just received:
Seattle City Councilmember Rob Saka (District 1, Vice Chair of the Public Safety Committee) is hosting a community conversation on public safety tomorrow, June 26, 6 pm-7:30 pm, at Alki United Church of Christ. It will include a diverse selection of city leaders, including Interim Police Chief Sue Rahr and citywide Councilmember Tanya Woo (Position 8).
This comes after a 22-year-old was killed in a shooting near Alki Beach over the weekend. According to reports, another 27-year-old was also shot and transported to the hospital. Homes nearby were also struck by gunfire. This community conversation will be focused specifically on working toward public safety solutions for the Alki and Harbor Avenue neighborhoods.
“The gun violence playing out on our streets in unacceptable. It’s time for us to come together as a city and put a stop to it. Every enduring solution starts with an honest conversation. That’s why I’m bringing our community and a diverse group of city leaders together. We need short and long-term strategies to ensure Alki is a safe and welcoming for everyone,” said Councilmember Saka.
What city leaders will be in attendance?
The following City leaders are scheduled to speak:
Councilmember Saka
Sue Rahr, Interim Police Chief
Natalie Walton-Anderson, Director of Public Safety, Mayor’s Office
AP Diaz, Superintendent of Seattle Parks and Recreation
Francisca Stefan, Senior Deputy Director, Seattle Department of Transportation
Venu Nemani, Chief Safety Officer, Seattle Department of Transportation
Other members of the Seattle Police Department will also be attending.DATE: Wednesday, June 26
TIME: 6 PM – 7:30 PM
LOCATION: Alki United Church of Christ, 6115 SW Hinds StreetHow people can submit questions:
Community members interested in submitting questions or comments for the panelists to respond to can do so by completing this form. Questions or comments will also be accepted in person at the event.
Thanks for the tips. Seattle Public Schools has decided to again delay the announcement of any specific schools planned for closure/consolidation. The topic is still on tomorrow night’s School Board agenda, but here’s what superintendent Dr. Brent Jones says will and won’t happen:
… While the rescheduled [board] meeting will occur on June 26, this Regular School Board Meeting will not include a proposed “school closure list.”
Instead, the presentation will focus on the criteria guiding our decisions, such as budget and enrollment data, building condition assessments, program considerations, and community input.
We’ve heard from our community. Families and staff want to understand our planning process and react to proposals. The end of the school year and summer is not an ideal time for community engagement. Over the summer, my team will work hard to evaluate and consider the feedback we have heard and refine the plan that will be presented to our board.
Reports will resume with our School Board and community in September. Our board will be voting on the well-resourced schools plan before winter break in December 2024.
We have received strong participation and valuable feedback during our community meetings. Our community cares deeply about our schools.
It is crucial to ensure any steps we take are in the best interest of our students and families. Therefore, we will take more time this summer to thoroughly consider your input before announcing school consolidations.
You can read the full update here (it follows an update on school-security concerns).
B emailed this morning about her new college grad’s backpack, stolen in a car prowl in North Delridge:
We’ve been teaching our teen how to drive and forgot the bit about locking the car. My oldest daughter had her backpack in the back and it was stolen last night. She is especially sad because she just graduated from Texas Southern University and this was her student athlete backpack.
It was a black Columbia 300 backpack with red and white stripes and the TSU logo and #12 on the front, luggage tag with the TSU logo and the name “Smith” and #12, lots of keychains hanging, Dean’s List medal, bowling shoes, journals, Coach K’s book, a wrister, wrist brace, a tripod, and a bowling kit. It looks similar to the one in the photo attached.
Most everything inside and the backpack itself can be replaced, but it held great sentimental value to her.
(At left, a rainbow cloud – second one in two weeks – photographed by Mike Burns)
Here are highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE: The City Council’s Public Safety Committee, for which District 1 Councilmember Rob Saka serves as vice-chair, meets at 9:30 am. Scheduled topics include street racing and waterway safety; there’s a public-comment period too, and the agenda explains how that works. You can watch live via Seattle Channel
POSTCARDS4DEMOCRACY: Advocacy from afar, 10:30 am-noon every Tuesday at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor).
HIGHLAND PARK SPRAYPARK: Daily operation continues – open 11 am-8 pm, free. (1100 SW Cloverdale)
COLMAN POOL: Second weekday this summer for the outdoor heated-salt-water pool on the shore at Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW), noon-7 pm – session times are on the Colman Pool webpage.
LINCOLN PARK WADING POOL: Also at Lincoln Park, the 7-day-a-week wading pool is open today noon-7 pm, in the central upper part of the park near the north play area.
CHESS CLUB: Tuesdays 1:30-3 pm, also at the Center for Active Living (4217 SW Oregon). All levels welcome. (Questions? Email conwell@conwelld.net.)
CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Regular weekly meeting of the Seattle City Council, 2 pm. There is a public-comment period – in person or by phone – if there’s something you want to tell the council. The agenda explains how. You can go to City Hall downtown or watch live via Seattle Channel (and comment by phone).
DEMONSTRATION FOR BLACK LIVES: Long-running weekly sign-waving demonstration continues on the corners at 16th/Holden. 5-6 pm. Signs available if you don’t bring your own.
SCHOOL OF ROCK ON TOUR: West Seattle School of Rock‘s house band plus visiting School of Rock bands from Northern California, in concert at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), doors 5:30 pm; our calendar listing has the advance ticket link, or bring $15 cash for cover at the door.
STORYTIME IN THE GARDEN: 6 pm Tuesdays all summer, bring the little one(s) to Delridge P-Patch (5078 25th SW) for storytime plus a garden activity.
FREE ASL CLASS: The series of introductory ASL classes continues; you can start at any time. 6 pm at the West Seattle Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (4001 44th SW), info here.
SCRABBLE NIGHT: 6-10 pm tonight, play Scrabble at The Missing Piece (9456 35th SW).
FREE TRACK RUN: Everyone’s welcome! Gather at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) for this free weekly run at 6:15 pm.
MAKE POTTERY: 6:30-9 pm “girls’ night” at pottery studio The Clay Cauldron (5214 Delridge Way SW), sign up in advance to work on your project(s).
BINGO AT THE SKYLARK: Play – free! – weekly Belle of the Balls Bingo hosted by Cookie Couture, 7 pm. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
TRIVIA X 4: Four places to play Tuesday nights – The Beer Junction (4711 California SW) has Sporcle Pub Quiz with David at 7 and 8 pm … 7 pm at Ounces (3803 Delridge Way SW), free and hosted by Beat the Geek Trivia; 7 pm at Zeeks Pizza West Seattle (6459 California SW), hosted by Geeks Who Drink; 7:10 pm at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).
Event coming up? Are community members invited? Tell your West Seattle neighbors via our event calendar – please email the info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Family and friends will gather July 23 to remember Alice Elliott, and are sharing this remembrance with her community now:
Alice Marie Elliott
11-22-1923 to 6-14-2024Washington State lost one of its Centenarians with the passing of Alice Marie Elliott of West Seattle on June 14, 2024.
Alice was born on November 22, 1923 to Fredrick and Agnes Grauvogl in Cazenovia, Wisconsin. She celebrated her 100th birthday this past November. Alice delighted in receiving personalized 100th birthday congratulation letters from U.S. President Joe Biden, WA Governor Jay Inslee, and Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell.
After high-school graduation in 1940, she attended the University of Wisconsin and Madison Business College. She returned to her hometown and worked eight years at the State Bank of Cazenovia.
She met Dennis Elliott in her tiny hometown. Romance blossomed, in spite of Dennis serving in World War II and moving to Seattle. In May 1954, Alice followed Dennis, and they married July 2, 1954. Sadly, Dennis passed away unexpectedly in 1975. Alice never remarried.
Alice’s banking career spanned 42 years, including 31 with Washington Mutual Bank in Seattle, starting as a teller and promoted to head auditor in 1974. She retired in 1985.
Alice enjoyed traveling with Dennis and good friends, exploring the U.S. and traveling internationally from 1970-97, including Germany to learn about her Family heritage. She liked cruises, beaches, music, and sports.
In 1996, Alice made the trip of a lifetime from NY City aboard the Concorde SuperSonic jet to Paris, returning via the Chunnel to London to board the Queen Elizabeth II luxury ship. A thrill, seeing the Statue of Liberty off the QEII deck at the end of the Transatlantic cruise.
Honestly, Alice’s front-window Seattle downtown waterfront view from her Alki condo inspired her independent living until November 2023.
She cheered Mariners, especially Ken Griffey, Jr.; Seahawks and Sonics. She was a proud 12. She visited the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY.
Alice loved Hummel figurines, strawberries, mochas, Ivar’s crab cakes, chocolate martinis, denim jackets, Fifth Avenue Theatre, her Pomeranian dog “Ginger,” and hairdresser Missy. She volunteered at Mount Saint Vincent 20 years.
Alice was preceded in death by her beloved husband, parents, brother and sister-in-law Raymond and Joyce Grauvogl of Wisconsin.
Survivors include Goddaughter Dee (Joe) Strecker of Bellevue, nephew Steve (Polly) Elliott of West Seattle, longtime friend and Guardian Carol (Bruce) Hedrick of Lynnwood, her condo association Family, and many friends in Seattle and Wisconsin.
Funeral Services will be July 23, 2024 @ 11:30 a.m. at Providence Mount Saint Vincent Chapel, third floor, 4831 35th Ave. SW. Private inurnment at Holyrood Cemetery in Shoreline. Emmick Family Funeral and Cremation Services is entrusted with cremation.
(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries and memorial announcements by request, free of charge. Please email the text, and a photo if available, to westseattleblog@gmail.com)
8:56 AM: Police are responding to a possible person-in-crisis situation reported on the northbound 1st Avenue South Bridge. They haven’t found anything yet, but in case you’re seeing extra law-enforcement presence, that’s what’s going on.
6:01 AM: Good morning! It’s Tuesday, June 25.
Sunny, high in the mid-to-upper 70s. Today’s sunrise was at 5:13 am, while sunset will be at 9:11 pm (and will stay there until Saturday).
*SDOT’s Delridge pedestrian-bridge earthquake-safety project continues, with narrowing at Delridge/Oregon:
*Beach Drive: Gas-pipeline work continues at spots along the southern stretch.
Metro today – Regular schedule; check for advisories here.
Water Taxi today – Regular schedule. Check the real-time map if you need to see where the boat is.
Washington State Ferries today – The usual 2 boats on the Triangle Route, but now with the unscheduled “bonus boat” on weekdays when available; check WSF alerts for last-minute changes and use the real-time map to see where your ferry is.
Low bridge: Here’s the main view:
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Orchard), cameras are also at Delridge/Genesee, Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.
High Bridge – Here’s the main camera:
High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way):
1st Ave. S. Bridge:
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges feed on X (ex-Twitter) shows whether the city’s movable bridges are open for vessel traffic.
If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water, please text or call our hotline (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!