(March photo courtesy WSHS Water Polo)
In this first year of the West Seattle HS water-polo team – created as a club sport after students worked to make it happen – a clinic is planned to teach prospective players. Here’s the announcement:
WEST SEATTLE GIRLS WATER POLO TEAM will host their first Clinic & Open House for middle/high school age girls on Saturday, May 18, 2024, 3:00 – 4:30 pm. Learn and play alongside the high-school girls’ team players, under the direction of Coach Truly Dorland. Find out what this growing sport is all about and jget a chance to learn the basics.
6th through 12th grade girls are invited to attend. This is an educational event open to all middle school and high school-age girls. A $20 suggested (but not required) donation is encouraged on the day of the event to help defray pool costs.
Registration required in advance of the event. Please contact WSWP to receive a link to register. wshswaterpolo@gmail.com
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