SCHOOLS: Students launch petition to keep Chinese teacher at West Seattle High School

(WSB photo, January. Above, Consul General Zhang Jianmin and wife Zheng Xin with WSHS Chinese teacher Ying Yu)

When China’s Consul General visited West Seattle High School in January (WSB coverage here), the school’s Chinese teacher Ying Yu beamed with pride as her students presented a program showcasing what they’d learned about the language and culture. Now, less than four months later, students have launched a petition campaign to keep her at the school, after a reported plan to transfer her elsewhere. We received this email asking that we publish the link:

Dear West Seattle Residents,

On Friday afternoon, Ms. Yu was notified that district HR made the decision to displace her. SPS plans to replace her with another teacher. She was devastated by the decision that was made without consulting her, or WSHS students, parents, or admin. This statement was arranged by her students who are trying to get the word out to keep our teacher here at WSHS. She is a vital part of the community and structure of WSHS. Please fill out the electronic petition to let the district know that the community supports her and wants to keep her here.

Thank you so much!
-WSHS Chinese program

In addition, nine of the speakers on the 20-spot speaking list for tomorrow night’s Seattle School Board meeting are slated to speak about the issue; one of the listed speakers is the teacher herself. The public-comment section of Wednesday’s meeting (here’s the agenda) starts at 4:30 pm.

18 Replies to "SCHOOLS: Students launch petition to keep Chinese teacher at West Seattle High School"

  • Former Student May 7, 2024 (9:59 pm)

    This is devastating. I know that sounds dramatic. However, when I was a student of Ms.Yu, her and her class were the highlight of my day. You could tell she had a love and a passion to teach. Unlike some teachers you might encounter. The students felt that energy and matched it, so in her class, engagement was high and the sense of community was strong. If the program were to get shut down that would be one thing, but for SPS to replace her is just wrong. PLEASE help keep a kind, passionate, and caring teacher in her position. PLEASE SIGN! Thank you :)

  • Jamey May 7, 2024 (10:33 pm)

    Sounds like this teacher got RIFFed, something that happens every year in school districts around the country. It means someone with more experience, who likely has also been displaced, has been moved into the job. That’s unfortunate, but I’m not sure why this rises to the level of a petition? 

    • miws May 8, 2024 (12:28 am)

      Jamey, because it sounds like she is well-loved and well-respected by her students, loves her job where she’s at, Nobody was consulted on this.  If this is taking place soon it will be disruptive to the school year. SPS should just move the other teacher to the other school if RIFFing is indeed the case. —Mike 

    • Brian May 8, 2024 (7:25 am)

      Contrary to everything the world might tell you, better things are possible. 

    • Midi May 8, 2024 (9:16 am)

      Everything you say may be correct, but when you have a situation where a teacher connects with her students and is loved to this degree – that should be considered. It’s no small feat to get students excited about learning

  • Pauline May 8, 2024 (12:26 am)

    That’s pretty unprofessional to make the decision without consulting her, students, and parents for a swap!!! It speaks volume if students are coming together to petition for her stay! Must be they all are engaged and hang out in her classroom even during lunch break for additional support ;) 

    • Pinto May 8, 2024 (6:24 am)

      The district has turned into a self-serving bureaucratic hideout. They’re only interested in keeping their jobs. I don’t know if it’s because of teachers strike or what but the district just does not care about teachers students or families.if you are lucky enough to have a teacher and administration that cares, stick with it. Mr. Vance is doing a fine job considering how little support he gets.this is just the opinion of a public school teacher in the neighborhood. Take it with a grain of salt

    • JA May 8, 2024 (8:16 am)

      School admin doesn’t have a choice. This is a Union/CBA process at work. 

  • Person May 8, 2024 (4:56 am)

    Isn’t this something to take up with the union vs. the district? Sounds like a union rule is causing this.

  • CR May 8, 2024 (5:41 am)

    My son has been a student of Ms. Yu. I can say that he and the class absolutely adore her.  She loves her job, gets the students engaged and excited about learning, and is active in the community through cultural events and promoting the WSHS foreign language program.  She definitely goes above and beyond, so I’m shocked by this news. This is how she is rewarded for being an amazing teacher?  How disappointing.  This was not a well thought out decision by the district.  I hope they reconsider, as this would be an incredible loss to WSHS and our community.  

  • Sammy the teacher May 8, 2024 (6:22 am)

    Actually this occurs in other districts all the time and it’s not personal and sometimes it happens to a person who has no clue and is the last person to learn about it. It’s something that a teacher has to deal with no matter where they teach and if they have a continuing contract then they will get a job at a different school. Personally I feel that petition are unfair because lots of other teachers have been in this sort of same situation in many different districts and it something you have to deal with in life working for a bureaucracy . 

  • KMM May 8, 2024 (6:50 am)

    The kids LOVE her and it’s so unfortunate.  She’s A teacher that makes kids excited to go to class and learn . Honestly if she were to leave I bet my son Would drop the class,  please even if you have no relationship to WSHS but want to support the kids thriving under Ms. Yu’s leadership and exceptional learning we ask you sign the petition. Thx,

  • Nicole May 8, 2024 (7:36 am)

    Oh no!  I’ve heard great things about her and don’t have kids at the school yet.  I’ve signed, and I think the person who is “bumping” her should consider a different school since the community is so attached to her!signed

  • Kmm May 8, 2024 (7:45 am)

    Huge huge loss for the school and the kids. She makes them want to go to class and might be the “nicest teacher ever” as said from my teenager.. The kids absolutely adore her. Even if you have no current relation to WSHS please sign the petition on behalf of the kids and Ms Yu. 

  • WSRob May 8, 2024 (7:56 am)

    Maybe she is being moved to a place that needs her even more? 

  • Brooke May 8, 2024 (11:11 am)

    This teacher is a gem. Both students and parents adore her. This makes me both angry and very sad. Seattle public and/or the teachers’ union are very wrong here.

  • It's a systemic problem. May 8, 2024 (3:58 pm)

    The Collective Bargaining Agreement with Seattle Public Schools does not mention or give any nod or boost to teachers that have demonstrated strong instructional success with their students. The closest you can get is National Board Certification which correlates loosely with recent instructional success in a teacher’s classroom. The state system reinforces a “Step and Ladder” pay system by which teachers are paid more if they receive more professional education and have lasted longer in their role. Neither correlate well with instructional success in the classroom. Washington State is not alone maintaining the status quo in these misaligned incentives for teacher collective bargaining agreements.

  • CPT May 8, 2024 (5:51 pm)

    Ms. Yu is being displaced by another teacher (with more seniority in this district)
    whose own position was reduced from full-time (1.0 FTE) to 0.6FTE due to
    reduced enrollment at that particular school.

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