LIGHT RAIL: Two more rounds of Sound Transit drilling in West Seattle Junction area

Sound Transit is still working on its final Environmental Impact Statement for West Seattle light rail – that’s the next major milestone before final routing decisions. Environmental studies have included drilling for samples at various sites around the area, and two more rounds have been announced. Sound Transit sent us the notices:

*”As soon as” May 20 (next Monday), 41st SW south of Edmunds (here’s the notice with details)

*”As soon as May 29, 41st SW (here’s the notice with details) north of Edmunds

No date yet for the final EIS to go public – ST has most recently said “midyear.”

4 Replies to "LIGHT RAIL: Two more rounds of Sound Transit drilling in West Seattle Junction area"

  • Marcus May 17, 2024 (10:26 am)

    Just wondering how they are going to drive a test hole in the middle of the WS health club pool.  Been supporting the project until they decided to place a rail support in the middle of the most popular citizen use facility in WS.  Get real what a bone head idea for this WS spur.

  • West Marge May 18, 2024 (4:45 pm)

    How about the impact to the residents of South Park who will be breathing cement in order to accommodate this build? Any concern about the thousands of humans who will be impacted by being displaced from their homes and businesses? How about the heron estuary? This project has another option which Sound Transit has buried! Where is the no build option!? Or was included in the original 2016 vote, now it’s nearly non existent. THIS IS NOT WHAT WE VOTED FOR!! This option will not take us to the airport and Ballard. It will take us to SODO. That’s it. This a waste of money and resources, only benefiting Sound Transit. What a sham! 

  • OneTimeCharley May 18, 2024 (8:15 pm)

    Light rail to West Seattle is coming. Get over it. Adapt. Move. Leave the area. Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Eminent domain. We have been discussing this very route for damn near 15 years now. I’m sure there will be a new and improved health club built in another area in West Seattle that has a swimming pool for seniors. Change is hard. It truly is. I know how difficult change is; probably more acutely than most to be forthright. This decision has been made; opportunity costs weighed, the thresholds for an affirmative met. I am sorry if this is impactful for you on an individual basis, however the die is cast and mitigating the impact (or potential impact) on yourself instead is a much better use of energy.

    • Elizabeth May 24, 2024 (12:57 pm)

      onetimecharley,I hope someday you can become a compassionate person for other’s situations beyond yourself. You clearly aren’t in touch with the reality that people can’t just “move”, businesses can’t just start over, and you clearly have no ties to West Seattle. 

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