WEST SEATTLE SCENE: Junction flower baskets arrive

The Junction is in bloom. This year’s flower baskets, grown by Van Wingerden Greenhouses in Blaine, arrived this morning. Workers are hanging the ~100 baskets throughout the heart of the business district, where they’ll stay until fall.

This is the second year that the West Seattle Junction Association is using its “new” baskets, designed to use less water. A few remain available for “adoption” as a donation to help WSJA, which is a nonprofit, cover the costs – go here to do that.

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE SCENE: Junction flower baskets arrive"

  • Andee May 2, 2024 (10:38 pm)

    I tried to open up the link to adopt a flower basket but it says: 

    This form is currently private and cannot be viewed by the public

    • WSB May 2, 2024 (11:23 pm)

      Likely means they’ve all been adopted, but I’ll doublecheck with WSJA.

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