FOLLOWUP: Here’s what’s happening one month after 15-year-old Mobarak Adam was shot to death

(WSB photos)

The memorial outside Southwest Teen Life Center/Pool lingers, one month after the January 23 shooting death of 15-year-old Mobarak Adam inside the center. Steps away from the memorial, a crew worked on the outside of the building today:

We believe, but have not yet confirmed, they were working on the new camera system promised for the center. Last night, Seattle Parks’ chief deputy superintendent Christopher Williams told the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners that the new cameras would be in place within “a couple of weeks.” City records show an electrical permit was granted this week for installation of what the application described as “a CCTV system with 16 camera locations.” (The city website shows a similar permit was granted to a different contractor last June; we’ll be following up on why the cameras apparently weren’t installed then.)

Meantime, no new information from police; we had filed a public-records request four weeks ago for the initial report on the incident, and received a notice today that the request has been denied, with the explanation that “the records requested are associated with a case that is under active investigation and non-disclosure is essential to effective law enforcement.” (The reply invited us to try again in about six weeks.) But during Williams’ briefing at the Parks Board meeting last night, he said the city and Seattle Public Schools planned to participate in an upcoming meeting organized by the Chief Sealth International High School PTSA focusing on safety at the adjoining Chief Sealth and Denny International Middle School campuses as well as the center, pool, and stadium facilities across the street. He mentioned a tentative date in mid-March; we have checked with the Sealth PTSA and they say a date isn’t finalized yet.

35 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Here's what's happening one month after 15-year-old Mobarak Adam was shot to death"

  • JJ February 23, 2024 (7:56 pm)

    What is going on? There is no rug to sweep under One more week of this and Im going to start a podcast…..A child was.killed in a public building

  • JJ February 23, 2024 (8:06 pm)

    A person gets killed on Aurora or the CD and we have names and updates. Get killed in West Seattle at a pool and we get nothing. Where’s the gun?

  • HS February 23, 2024 (8:49 pm)

    Thank you for the update. I’m grateful for the cameras being installed in that area. And, as I’m sure many others will comment, I’m also awaiting results of the investigation.

  • Rhonda February 23, 2024 (8:55 pm)

    Rest assured that SPD and the KC prosecutor’s office are VERY thoroughly  investigating this homicide and can’t release any info that may jeopardize the case. It may seem like a simple case to onlookers but many aren’t, especially if witnesses/associates/families, etc arent cooperating with investigators.

    • Jones February 23, 2024 (9:54 pm)

      I’m curious how you would know this? Are you on the police force or do you know someone on the force? The community has every right for updates and outrage. Boot licking and telling the community that “the police are on it” is ridiculous. 

      • Rhonda February 23, 2024 (10:52 pm)

        Bellevue PD for 12 years, Jones. Our procedures are similar to SPD and other local municipalities.

        • Thomas February 24, 2024 (2:56 pm)

          Great response! so tired of people and their conspiracy theories!

      • Al King February 24, 2024 (6:05 am)

        Jones. Your expectation is that all police investigations must be live streamed in real time ?

      • WSCurmudgeon February 24, 2024 (7:37 am)

        Recall that it took almost six months of “shoe leather” investigation to find and charge the motorist who eventually pled guilty to running over and killing Robb Mason. The police released almost no information about their investigation in order not to tip off the perp that they knew much more about him than had been publicly released.

        In the case of Mr.Adam’s death, if memory serves, two of several boys who were in the bathroom when the pistol discharged remained at the scene and were interviewed by the police. It is very likely that the police have identified all the boys who were present.  It is likely that the investigators have been told several contradictory stories about what happened in the bathroom. 

        It takes time and judgment to construct one coherent story that may resemble what really happened.  It’s rather clear that not all the witnesses are cooperating with the investigation, since the police won’t provide any detail about it.  It takes time to issue subpoenas to witnesses,  interview them,  perhaps prepare depositions for them to sign.   This all must occur before police decide what statutes may have been violated, and refer the case to the prosecutors.  

      • Mike February 24, 2024 (7:45 am)

        The “bootlicking” comment is a telling sign of where someone’s stance is on the ideology spectrum.  SMH 

      • K February 24, 2024 (3:03 pm)

        She doesn’t, she’s not part of the investigation but believes herself to be an expert on what SPD is doing based on what she assumes they’re doing.  The solve rate for homicides is not encouraging and I think community accountability is an important part of the equation.  Anyone encouraging you to stop asking questions of the police should be viewed with suspicion.

  • star 55 February 24, 2024 (12:16 am)

    Kids aren’t taking…. Kids who were there must be silent for their own reasons. 

  • TerminatedWithoutCause February 24, 2024 (1:48 am)

    Thank you for following up on why the surveillance system was not installed after a permit was granted last year. Site employees were told in September 2023 that the surveillance system was operational again after being informed in April 2023 that the cameras had not been operational “since January” so I was pretty shocked when I read that the cameras were not functioning last month after the loss of Mobarak. Nothing like having had a false sense of security while working in a public service position where you’re expected to de-escalate situations on a regular basis- not to mention feeling guilty for having told parents that the system was working when they inquired about safety measures in place in a public facility that they were entrusting with their children as young as 11 years old. But hey, my supervisor told me the cameras were working and I had no reason to believe I was being lied to at the time.

    It seems like last year’s permit was issued within a couple months of Ka’don Brown’s murder when he was leaving a parks and recreation Late Night event at SWTLC, is that timeline correct? It’s a shame that another young person from our community is dead and family lacking closure when the city knew that a lack of surveillance cameras was part of many issues contributing to an unsafe environment for teens and young adults at that facility. I’m genuinely curious to see what kind of excuse the city has for not doing something sooner and hope that they actually take this as a wake up call that they are not fulfilling their (tax-payer funded) mission of providing a safe and supportive environment for youths and teens at SWTLC.

  • poppa February 24, 2024 (4:17 am)

    Detectives need to get in the school’s social system and infiltrate it.  No doubt it will take some good time.  Nothing like a good Columbo infiltration to get some results. 

    • 21 Jump Street February 24, 2024 (1:13 pm)

      22 year-old undercover cops who look like 16 year-old high school students?

    • Eddie February 24, 2024 (1:34 pm)

      Bait cars. We need bait cars.

    • Josh February 24, 2024 (4:05 pm)

      Is this a joke comment?  “Hey Kids, just another regular not cop kid here. Where the gun at cuz?”  Case closed. Also I remain confused how the city installing cameras will somehow get the community to stop tearing itself apart?  How is it up to the city and Not the families of the kids to keep them safe from each other?  Sure have cameras. Sure do what you can. But the whole perspective that this will stop if the city makes it stop is foolish. 

    • WSCurmudgeon February 24, 2024 (4:11 pm)

      Law enforcement has sources in the social networks and IRL networks at high schools already, because of the concerning level of drug use among high school students. It may take a bit of time to refocus them to the group involved in this incident.

      Eddie, please explain why a “bait car” is useful in resolving this incident.  I know I’m not the only reader who looks fwd to your answer.

      • Eddie February 24, 2024 (9:12 pm)

         “We need a Bait car” is a common trope that gets trotted out everytime there’s a discussion of auto thefts. I know we’re not talking auto theft this time…..”we need more cameras”, “we need more police presence”, “where are the parents”, “lock em up”, and a hundred other knee jerk comments in the WSB suggestion box of futility.

  • Marcus February 24, 2024 (4:53 am)

    Thank you Rhonda.  Thank you for your service and being on the line everyday.  

    • Rhonda February 24, 2024 (6:18 pm)

      Thanks, but I sit at my desk 95% of the time. My biggest threat is a paper cut.

  • valvashon February 24, 2024 (7:38 am)

    Insert valvashon’s standard anti-gun rant here.  I’m appalled that the focus here is on cameras, not reducing the number of guns in easy circulation and eventually, the number of guns overall.  In addition, this apparently happend in the actual restroom where there would be no cameras.  The message that sends is that it’s the Wild West out there and guns are in charge, we just want to have surveilance footage of what happens or in this case, a bunch of kids running out of the community center.  Many years ago when police officers were starting to be fitted with body cameras my first thought was, “that’s not going to stop police from shooting unarmed people of color, we’ll just have a video recording of it now” and that’s what has happened.  It’s easy to put up surveilance cameras and wring our hands about “today’s youth” but much harder to confront the NRA and the weapons manufacturers head on.  It starts with repealing the Second Amendment.  A “well regulated militia” does not shoot teenagers in a community center bathroom.

    • Anne February 24, 2024 (11:11 am)

      First of all the Second Amendment will NEVER be repealed. Interpreting it to fit today’s reality -might be a remote possibility.  So might as well put our energy into trying to do something that WILL /COULD work. I wish I knew  what that might be.  Cameras are  not a solution- but can be a useful tool in identifying those involved in incidents -as well as providing a timeline . 

      • Alki resident February 24, 2024 (3:22 pm)

        AMEN Anne! 

      • Mike February 28, 2024 (5:39 am)

        Bring back common sense personal accountability 

        • K February 28, 2024 (7:17 am)

          Kids this age don’t understand consequences the way adults do.  The brain does not fully develop that until early- to mid-20s.  Policy cannot change science.  That’s why we need policy to help protect kids until they are mature enough to make better decisions.

  • 937 February 24, 2024 (9:52 am)

    Lots of smoke and mirrors in these comments. And hatred.

    Sad to see the sad death of a 15yo brings this out in our community.

    • Al King February 28, 2024 (9:08 am)

      937. Why is hatred towards the killer bad? Doesn’t make me sad. Just makes me mad that people want the perpetrators held blameless because they’re “only kids” 

  • Jj February 24, 2024 (4:48 pm)

    When is it safe to go back to pool? Been waiting for the all clear. Still have some punches left on swim pass and never heard back.  Thanks

    • WSB February 24, 2024 (4:54 pm)

      Hi, SW Pool reopened a few days later.

    • WS Mom February 25, 2024 (7:00 am)

      Hi, I’ve been there several times with my 6 year old since this happened and feel fine going there. 

  • Broken system, including camera February 24, 2024 (7:21 pm)

    As others note, the camera is simply a tool. Perhaps it provides deterrence? And, while I understand (I think?) the police and school not disclosing information that could jeopardize an active investigation, it would appear the various systems involved that are funded to grow and nurture our kids are broken: Were they school-aged? If so, why weren’t they in school at that time? Did any involved have known histories of weapons offenses? (They were likely not old enough to be a part of a well regulated militia!) Perhaps I am simply tired of violent teenage crime. It’s sad. I know many awesome teenagers! Not sure what happened and if this was bad apples spoiling the crop, but something is not right and the systems (schools, Community Center, our culture of accepting, excusing to the point of enabling teenage criminal behavior) are broken.  It’s not just the camera install. 

  • WSAsianGuy February 25, 2024 (9:12 am)

    FYI-Cameras don’t prevent crime, they just help in identifying the person(s) after the crime happens.

  • flimflam February 26, 2024 (8:14 am)

    From today’s article in the Seattle Times it sounds like the police are in a tricky situation as the witnesses/possible suspect(s) are minors their lawyers can simply refuse to allow them to be interviewed. I don’t see how this comes to a resolution…

    • 1994 February 26, 2024 (10:17 pm)

      I read that too in the Seattle Times. Sometimes the new laws have unintended outcomes. One of those 3 boys must know the whereabouts of the gun. Really too sad the 3 boys don’t want to share any info on how their friend was shot and killed. If they won’t talk, at some point someone else who knows something will ‘leak’ info.  Just a matter of time. 

Sorry, comment time is over.