UPDATE: Brown water near Alki Point, High Point

12:10 PM: Thanks for the texted tip: “Reporting brown water in Alki, near Admiral and 64th. There was a fire truck out earlier, but I wasn’t paying attention if they messed with the hydrant.” Nothing on the Seattle Public Utilities water-trouble map. Any time you notice discolored water at your residence, business, school, etc., report it to SPU at 206-386-1800 (and let us know too – thank you!). The discoloration is from “sediment” – usually rust – in the pipes getting stirred up by activity such as hydrant testing/use or pipe breaks.

2:19 PM: Also received this note from Karla: “All morning we’ve had brown water in High Point (5400 block of) 34th Ave SW.”

1 Reply to "UPDATE: Brown water near Alki Point, High Point"

  • Just wondering February 17, 2024 (1:52 pm)

    “if they messed with the hydrant”?  I believe the proper phrase is ” if they tested the hydrant”!

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