ROAD-WORK ALERT: Highland Park Way/Holden signal-pole installation ahead

(WSB photo, March 2020)

Almost four years ago – days after the West Seattle Bridge’s sudden shutdownSDOT hurriedly put up a “temporary” traffic signal at Highland Park Way and Holden, after that already-busy intersection was quickly overrun with detour traffic. SDOT promised the signal eventually would become permanent, since a “safety project” was in the works for that intersection anyway. This week, one of the final steps – pole installation. Here’s the alert:

This week, we will install new metal traffic signal poles at the Highland Park Way SW and SW Holden St intersection. This is part of the process to replace the existing temporary traffic signal with a more durable, permanent one.


This work is scheduled for Wednesday, January 3 and Thursday, January 4 from 7 AM – 4 PM. This timeframe could shift based on weather and crew availability.

What to Expect

Alternating traffic lanes will be closed during installation, but there will always be one lane open for cars to get through. There may also be temporary sidewalk closures. This is not particularly noisy work, but if you live or work in the area, you may hear construction equipment running and some beeping when crews are backing up equipment.

6 Replies to "ROAD-WORK ALERT: Highland Park Way/Holden signal-pole installation ahead"

  • rdubs January 3, 2024 (7:28 am)

    Maybe while they’re at it they can update the traffic flow patterns. It’s crazy how backed up a couple of directions get every day at the same times with the lights going through the same cycles. 

  • Jeepney January 3, 2024 (7:29 am)

    Hopefully this will improve the timing of the traffic signals.  Waiting 3 minutes for an eastbound green light at 3am is not very efficient.

  • Anony January 3, 2024 (2:07 pm)

    My family and neighborhood really appreciate the improvements that have been made here with the bird, the traffic signals, and other improvements along highland park.  We’ve lived here for almost 20 years now, and we always felt a little bit neglected by the city; my bus stop was made of mud and it always showed on my work clothes, there weren’t many good places to cross 9th/highland as a pedestrian, even as a fully grown adult it was precarious and dangerous at times, especially during the great detour.  I’m not a wordsmith, I’m just trying to share our appreciation and gratitude for it. Don’t @ me trying to twist my comment into something it’s not, I’m not gonna read it.

    • 1994 January 3, 2024 (10:34 pm)

      A positive comment for the SDOT and the improvements at this intersection. I hope they see your words of appreciation.  And I hope this is the permanent installation now, it was an improvement needed for decades as you mention. 

  • SuperKlago January 3, 2024 (3:20 pm)

    The signal timing definitely needs a look. 

  • datamuse January 5, 2024 (7:10 pm)

    For folks commenting on signal timing: vehicle detection and real-time signal adjustment are part of the project.

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