WHALES: Orcas in the area

A large group of orcas is southbound off south Bainbridge Island, Kersti Muul just texted, saying they might be Southern Residents.

7 Replies to "WHALES: Orcas in the area"

  • Kersti Elisabeth Muul November 5, 2023 (7:45 am)

    Eyes on from me kwa mooks, line of sight to mid Blake. West in channel

  • Kersti Elisabeth Muul November 5, 2023 (8:34 am)

    Trailers now straight out from Point Williams (Lincoln park) jpod is very spread apart. Milling and fishing in small groupsConfirming Jpod as I’ve seen multiple members

  • SE Dick November 5, 2023 (9:23 am)

    A gift, gorgeous, untouched, inspiring. Poetry. ‘Escape the chaos’, sez the ad. Thanks.

  • Sbone November 5, 2023 (12:00 pm)

    I am on Vashon and the pod was passing by Dillworth for an hour (9-10am)…very cool! Seven years ago, the first week after moving here, i watched two large bulls swim by 20 yards off shore…i thought that was going to be my new norm 🤣😂😥😪🤧

  • Kersti Elisabeth Muul November 5, 2023 (5:48 pm)

    Jpod is still deep in Quartermaster harbor exhibiting curious behavior for hours. Group cohesion is amazing the whole pod is together and not letting any one individual leave the group. They are just in this tight group traveling 400 yards one way and then back and back and forth and back and forth.They are also tail slapping like crazy, in a communication style down the line. It has been absolutely mesmerizing to witness.I think I may know what is going on but we’ll have to wait for more daylight tomorrow to see.Stay tuned!This has been a very humbling and breathtaking experience.

    • Lara S. November 6, 2023 (5:54 pm)

      Did you confirm the reason for the tail slapping? Was it hunting behavior?I’ve read that Orcas often slap their tails to stun fish & small mammals when they hunt for food. It makes it easier for them to enjoy their meal!But I have also read that tail slapping may just be a playful (or restless) behavior. Thanks ever so much for the videos you all shared in the WhatsApp groups! For those of us who could not get down to the shore in time, it was amazing to watch (and re-watch) the footage! :)

  • Steph November 5, 2023 (9:10 pm)

    After 70 years of looking for whales in Puget Sound I finally saw 2 off Lincoln Park this morning. I got your notification, hurried and hurried down.  Thanks!

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