SUNDAY: Bring food to West Seattle Farmers’ Market!

November 18, 2023 6:31 pm
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We photographed Ariel Cook and her assistant (aka mom) at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, where they were collecting food for the West Seattle Food Bank two weeks ago. Ariel will be back tomorrow, again collecting nonperishable food for WSFB, inspired by her work as a fellow with Farmlink, a nonprofit founded by college students to work on food rescue, food insecurity, farmers’ rights, and related issues nationwide. If you missed it in our story earlier this month, here’s the presentation Ariel assembled to explain the food-insecurity problem here, and why WSFB needs more help than ever:

You can bring just about any kind of nonperishable food to donate – except meat and dairy. Financial donations for the WSFB are welcome via this link. After tomorrow, the Farmlink booth will be back at the market one more time, on December 3rd.

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