WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 Admiral purse-snatch robberies; Westwood arrest

3:21 PM: We heard a bit about this in radio exchanges earlier but had not yet verified. Now we’ve heard from the witness who reported it to police:

I witnessed a purse-snatching at the corner of 42nd & College, right by the WS Library. A woman was walking her dog and a man came up, punched her in the face, grabbed her bag and then hopped in a car and sped off. I called it in to 911 and gave them all the details I had, and there were several other witnesses taking care of the victim (she was unhurt, but obviously shaken).

Then about an hour ago, the witness got a call from police who said they arrived at the scene but hadn’t found the victim, so the witness wondered if we could publish something “to let the victim know she should contact the police.” We are asking SPD if they ever heard from the victim – if not, she can call and refer to case 23-304246. As for robber description, the description originally given by dispatch was “unknown-race male, 5’9″-5’10”, all-black clothing, ski mask” and the getaway vehicle was initially described as a “blue sedan.”

3:35 PM: Police arrested a juvenile suspect a short time ago at Westwood Village (photo above, near Chase Bank) and tell us the suspect is potentially linked to this case. They recovered a gun that, according to dispatch, was reported stolen in Federal Way. A second suspect who was with this one got away, apparently in a vehicle.

Meantime, this may not have been the only purse-snatch robbery in Admiral today – we’ve heard mention of at least one other report – more info when we get it.

7:45 PM: We have no additional info from SPD and might not get any before Monday but we’re still trying. Meantime, the victim of the purse-snatch robbery at 42nd/College has told her story in this comment below.

8:29 PM: With the help of archived dispatch audio, we’ve sorted this out: There were two purse-snatch robberies in Admiral this afternoon. In addition to the one reported above, the second one – similar-sounding circumstances – happened around 2:30 pm at 45th/Stevens. The robber in this one also was described as having a covered face, dark clothes, and got away in a “blue sedan.”

32 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 Admiral purse-snatch robberies; Westwood arrest"

  • Rocky Bullwinkle October 20, 2023 (3:47 pm)

    Jeez. How frightening this must have been for the woman. I wonder if it was same guy who mugged woman in Safeway parking lot a couple of weeks ago. The frequency of muggings and carjackings in our area is alarming. I don’t even know where to begin my rant. All i can do is shake my head. 

  • Bobby October 20, 2023 (4:04 pm)

    I saw the getaway car while I was driving to work and saw them throw a purse out of the window. It was a blue sedan with tinted windows.

    • Nadmiral October 21, 2023 (9:44 am)

      I noticed the time of day of the purse snatch by Admiral Safeway and the purse snatch by the Admiral library are pretty close to the time that West Seattle high school gets out. Not sure if that’s related? 

  • Mic October 20, 2023 (4:06 pm)

    A lot of these recent crimes thru out the city involve the suspects wearing a ski mask……. just sayin

    • Ferns October 20, 2023 (9:41 pm)

      You might be saying it, but I don’t know what you mean. Are you suggesting there’s an uptick in use of retro disguises for muggers? A ski mask was standard robbery-wear in the past. Nice and cozy during fall weather too. 

  • SLJ October 20, 2023 (4:20 pm)

    The police had two people handcuffed outside Target, both looked young.

  • TJ October 20, 2023 (4:27 pm)

    So this will be great to see what happens to the juvenile with the stolen gun. If he is indeed part of the robbery, then there are lots of serious crimes. People want tougher gun laws but ignore that most gun crimes are with stolen guns by people who aren’t allowed to have one in the first case. And in the case of “juveniles” who make adult decisions about using a stolen gun in a crime, they shouldn’t get any leniency because they are young. Anyone with a stolen gun should get 5 years in lockup. Using the gun in a crime and another 5. That is aside from them injuring or killing someone of course. But juvenile laws here are so lenient and focused on keeping them out of the justice system that they don’t do serious time, on top of the fact following what happens is hard as they are protected by withholding names 

    • JennyC October 21, 2023 (7:27 am)

      With no accountability for youth, gangs use juveniles to commit the crimes knowing they can be back out on the street the very next day. It’s truly tragic.

    • J October 21, 2023 (2:04 pm)

      There should at least be a law requiring guns to be kept locked in a gun safe when not in use. That might decrease the number of stolen guns on the street. 

    • Ts October 22, 2023 (11:38 am)

      How about no plea deals that erase the use of a gun for adults. Only one chance for juveniles and if they reoffend within 5 years then the original dropped charge gets reinstated. These stories really hit home (teens with guns) as we lost one of our own WS youth in 1994 at Ballard Highschool. It is so nerve racking to hear the gunshots/fireworks and to have to immediately check up with my teen.

  • A. October 20, 2023 (4:29 pm)

    I have a feeling that North Admiral is becoming a go-to neighborhood for such crimes (or I’ve been living under a rock for the past several years).As an anecdote, approximately a month ago, while walking along California Ave, a block away from the purse snatch spot, I had to stop for the car that was speeding toward the intersection with no visible intention to stop for pedestrians. All windows were rolled down and there four people inside (males, to the best of my estimation) all in ski masks. I locked eye contact with the front passenger mostly out of surprise and and after a moment got yelled at and threatened while the car was going away. It was educational, how being caught off guard, I failed to do such a simple thing as noting the car’s model and plates.

    • ConcernedInAdmiral October 21, 2023 (1:30 pm)

      I’m afraid you may be correct and really appreciate the point you made in this post. At this point, I’d say being aware of potential danger is as important as adapting to weather in our lovely spot in the world. So very glad you were not hit and feel frustrated for you being randomly threatened! Thanks for taking time to breakdown what you experienced. 

  • Seattlite October 20, 2023 (4:33 pm)

    As a senior, I am being very cautious and not carrying a purse any longer.  I don’t like it at all that I have to change my life style and freedom of movement to fit the criminals’ life styles of committing crimes on a daily basis.  It is time to face the reality that Seattle is overcome with crime from car jackings, purse snatchings, car thefts, car break-ins, robberies, etc.  Seattle is living in scary, uncivilized times due to an ongoing police officer shortage and an ongoing increase in criminals.  These facts are scary especially when parents are raising families in WS and greater Seattle.  All I can advise is constant situational awareness.  A high level of situational awareness saved be from being accosted several times in the past five years at the PCC in Burien; at Lincoln Park; at Jefferson Square; at the Bartell’s on Madison St next to Swedish…ALL during the day.  Today, I was at Westwood Village between 2pm and 3pm.  I went to Chase and Target.  Thankfully, again, I was not carrying a purse.

  • Tom October 20, 2023 (6:20 pm)

    “It’s far easier to raise a strong child, than it is to fix a broken man”Frederick Douglas – 1855

    • 1994 October 20, 2023 (10:37 pm)

      Agree with the quote. Unfortunately we have a lot of broken parents raising children these days who in turn are already broken by age 12ish….

  • LP October 20, 2023 (6:34 pm)

    I’m the victim of the Admiral robbery/purse snatch in front of the library about 12:30 p.m. this afternoon. The robber was a kid. Thankfully, my dog and I are OK. I’m grateful to the woman who witnessed the crime from her car and called 911, while several other helpful people came to my aid, including a WS librarian. I briefly spoke through the witness’s car window to the 911 dispatcher to say I was OK. I then went to a friend’s house a couple blocks away and canceled my credit cards before calling police. Honestly, with all the crap that goes down in this town, I didn’t expect a purse snatching would be a priority. Sad but true. When I did call the police, they were very responsive and told me about the other case at Westwood Village. It’s terrifying to learn the juvenile they arrested there had a gun. The police and I were able to track the location of my purse dumped beneath the Spokane Street Viaduct with my cellphone still in it. Of course, no wallet. I’m grateful for the support of the SPD and my fellow West Seattleites!

    • WSB October 20, 2023 (6:43 pm)

      Thank you for sharing your story. Glad you’re OK.

    • Bob October 20, 2023 (8:01 pm)

      I have your wallet! I found it on SW Marginal Way. Please reply to this as soon as you see this, thank you! 

      • WSB October 20, 2023 (8:40 pm)

        If you send me your contact info, I can forward it to LP – that’s the only way we have to connect people without everyone publicly posting personal info. westseattleblog@gmail.com

        • Bob October 20, 2023 (9:03 pm)

          Just emailed you! 

    • justthinking October 20, 2023 (8:25 pm)

      I’m really sorry this happened to you. I also know that many that no longer report crimes like this. I point that out when folks say our ‘per capita crime rate’ is not rising… I let them know that our ‘per capita reporting of crimes’ is also dropping. I don’t blame you. 

    • Pelicans October 21, 2023 (12:09 am)

      Dear LP,I’m so glad you’re alright, that there have been quick arrests and that someone found your wallet. I’m so sorry you were hit. I was the person attacked and robbed in the Admiral Safeway parking lot on the evening of October 3, but got off lucky, I guess. He grabbed but didn’t hit me. I tracked down the trail of charges on my cards beginning less than 20 minutes after the robbery. I viewed many camera videos of one guy using my cards at a Chevron station in Tukwila about 35 minutes later.  White 4-door KIA with no plates. And, a kind, anonymous person mailed me back my driver’s license which he or she found at the intersection of 37th Ave. SW and SW Olga street. I checked there 5 days later and found another piece of ID. It’s that grassy park across from Admiral viewpoint.   The assailants apparently took off and were throwing things out the passenger side window(s) as they went.  I am working on getting a copy of that video from the gas station to give to SPD.   Unfortunately, I never installed the Find My Phone app., but am finding out there are Apple Air Tags out there and many other alternatives that work with the Android and Google Pixel OS.If you would like to compare notes or for support,  please contact me through Tracy at West Seattle Blog. I believe she has my email.Best of luck and healing to you! Pelicans

    • ConcernedInAdmiral October 21, 2023 (1:35 pm)

      Truly appreciate your willingness to post on here what happened. I am terribly sorry you and your dog went through that. So very glad you both are alright, although probably shook up. Very grateful for your angel calling 911 and that you were able to get to a friend’s home soon after! Take care. WS cares about you!!

  • TLP October 20, 2023 (7:32 pm)

    Neighbors, please vote!  I will be voting for WS candidates Rob Saka and Sofia Aragon because they are the candidates who demonstrate our need to support and fund law enforcement.  We have to continually demand that our elected officials prioritize public safety.

  • Big Bling October 21, 2023 (8:19 am)

    you guys are making me bring this trope out again, which I know I could every day. GUNS, GUNS, GUNS.  Get rid of the f’ing guns. 

    • Dave November 6, 2023 (7:22 am)

      It will take decades to out that genie back in the bottle.  There are so many guns out there .

  • LAdmiral October 21, 2023 (9:13 am)

    WSB- any more info on the 45th and Stevens incident? It’s a busy corner and so many kids are always walking past there to and from school…plus it’s a dangerous intersection for cars, too. 

    • Orb October 21, 2023 (2:00 pm)

      Broad daylight at 2:40pm the assailant hopped out of the blue sedan and pushed the older woman to the ground. Stole her purse and tried to use the credit cards down in Westwood Village. This is scary because this is the time the elementary school students are walking home from Lafayette.

    • Jan Kelly October 21, 2023 (2:14 pm)

      I’m the victim of the 45th and Stevens incident. I’m okay, thanks to two wonderful people who ran out of their houses and helped me. I’m okay, but still shaken. I usually don’t carry a purse when walking to PCC, but I made the mistake of taking one yesterday. I won’t be carrying a purse any longer.  I was born and raised in Seattle, and grew up in West Seattle. It’s a very different place now, as is the world it seems.

      • LAdmiral October 21, 2023 (5:04 pm)

        Jan I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m very glad you’re ok. And I’m glad some neighbors came to your assistance. 

  • Hank palace October 21, 2023 (10:04 am)

    I was at the target for some shopping when I saw a Seattle Police car slowly rolling through the parking lot. Two kids were walking through the middle of the lot. One police officer yelled for them to stop and a kid immediately took off running right at me. The police officers didn’t hesitate for a second to start chasing him on foot. The kid started fumbling around in his pockets trying to grab something so I hid behind my car. The police officers caught up to him and got him on the ground right next to me. To my horror they immediately pulled a handgun off of the kid. Bravo Seattle PD, they were so professional the entire time. I’m just speechless still how quick it happened. Scared the hell out of me. 

    • WSB October 21, 2023 (10:13 am)

      Thanks – that matches with how it unfolded over police radio. They had apparently been in the Game Stop store immediately prior.

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