UPDATE: Man shot, killed on bus at 15th/Roxbury

5:16 PM: Police and fire are at the scene of a shooting reported aboard a Metro bus that’s at 15th and Roxbury. The victim is reported to be a man about 30 years old “unconscious, unresponsive, with two gunshot wounds.” Police have broadcast an initial description of two suspects, both male, one Hispanic, with long hair, in a gray sweater, the other Black or Hispanic, “puffy” hair, white sweatshirt, both running northeast. The scene is described as on 15th just south of Roxbury. Traffic is being blocked on southbound 15th.

(Added: WSB photos)

5:22 PM: Dispatch has been told the victim is dead. The bus has been described as being stopped on the King County Sheriff’s Office side of Roxbury, but SPD responded initially.

5:39 PM: Investigators now say there was only one shooter. KCSO is searching with a K-9 team. If you’re seeing a helicopter, that’s the shared TV chopper, NOT law enforcement.

5:59 PM: Now Guardian One is over the scene too.

7:32 PM: No new information aside from KCSO confirming the victim’s death. Commenters who were on other buses at the time say their drivers were told the victim was NOT the driver. (The bus was H Line.)

10:12 PM: KCSO has since issued an official news release, though they still aren’t saying anything we haven’t already reported. For the record, here is the news release in its entirety:

This evening (October 3rd) at approximately 5:10 pm, deputies from the King County Sheriff’s Office responded to the vicinity of SW Roxbury ST and 15th Ave SW for reports of a shooting that occurred on a Metro bus. Upon arrival, deputies discovered a single victim, who was unfortunately pronounced deceased at the scene.

Multiple specialized units, including Guardian 1 aerial support and a K9 Unit, responded to conduct a thorough search for the individuals involved. As of this moment, the search operation has concluded, and the suspect(s) in question remain at large.

The King County Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes Unit will be investigating.

11:20 PM: 15th has reopened, per a Metro advisory.

ADDED OCTOBER 10TH: The victim was identified today by the King County Medical Examiner’s Office as Marcell D. Wagner, 21. Cause of death “multiple gunshot wounds.”

113 Replies to "UPDATE: Man shot, killed on bus at 15th/Roxbury"

  • Admiral-2009 October 3, 2023 (5:29 pm)

    This is extremely scary.  People need to feel safe when using public transportation!  I hope the perps are caught, convicted and put behind bars for the rest of their lives.

    • 1994 October 3, 2023 (9:43 pm)

      For sure – like the guy with the hammer at the Beacon Hill light rail station, or the guy tossing the nurse down the stairs downtown at the transit station…..these mentally ill, and violent, people need more supervision! and should not be allowed to roam around town. I don’t know about being put behind bars for the rest of their lives but certainly not allowed to roam around free. 

    • Jeff October 4, 2023 (12:01 pm)

      There’s been like 7 road rage shooting incidents in Seattle area alone this year. You aren’t safer in cars.

      • Neighbor October 5, 2023 (9:44 am)

        Nobody said cars were safer.  The claim is simply that people should feel safe on public transit, which they should.

      • Neighbor October 11, 2023 (2:28 pm)

        I would say that most road rage incidents are a result of both parties engaging one another. If we ignore crazy drivers we can evade these events.We don’t know the cause of this most recent bus shooting, but if it’s random then I would suggest our transit system are not safer from murder considering the relatively small population that use them. 

  • Rhonda October 3, 2023 (5:52 pm)

    This is absolutely unacceptable. Metro and King County just announced their “Go Without Driving for a Week” campaign yet their own buses are some of the most dangerous places in the region. The poor victim had little chance to escape inside a metal tube with only one way out against two attackers. Metro and Sound Transit officials need to be held accountable.

    • Steve October 3, 2023 (7:40 pm)

      Are you kidding, Rhonda?? What was the driver supposed to do? Why is it Metro’s fault? 

      • Clayton October 3, 2023 (8:48 pm)

        Metro needs security on most if not all active buses, now.

        • John B October 4, 2023 (12:57 am)

          Next you’ll say put a guard to each stop, come on now.

          • Getreal October 4, 2023 (6:14 am)

            Why not have security? the trains have them! Do whatever it takes to protect innocent passengers.

          • Dan October 5, 2023 (5:16 am)

            I take the light rail train every day to work and I can tell you they do not have security on those trains. My coworkers and I all carry mace with us because we know it would be an “every man for himself” situation if something happens. 

    • Sources? October 3, 2023 (7:43 pm)

      I’m curious about what makes you say Metro buses are some of the most dangerous places in the region. Thousands of people use public transportation daily, largely without incident. This is horrific, but is it indicative of the relative safety of public transportation?

    • Jack October 3, 2023 (7:44 pm)

      Hi Rhonda, do you have any data to back up your claim that KCM buses are some of the most dangerous places in the region? Over 500 people a year in Washington State are killed in car accidents, so I’d be curious if buses are just as dangerous. https://www.axios.com/local/seattle/2022/12/14/traffic-deaths-hit-25-year-high-washington

      • EVGuy October 3, 2023 (8:26 pm)

        Well in the last week, we’ve had someone get shot to death, and two people get beaten with a hammer, on our public transit (technically the hammer was on light rail but still)

        • Jack October 3, 2023 (9:18 pm)

          If you are genuinely concerned about transportation deaths in Seattle, you might want to direct your attention to people who drive cars, not those who ride on public transportation.  https://www.king5.com/amp/article/news/local/seattle/felony-traffic-unit-king-county/281-db7a78b9-8df6-460a-9a21-6c48d7f71914
          What happened today on the bus and at the light rail station last week are very sad events, but pointing the finger at “dangerous” public transportation is a bit of a red herring.

          • M October 3, 2023 (9:29 pm)

            I won’t take public transit. It isn’t safe in more ways than one. Uw findings on fentanyl and meth findings is just one reason why I won’t use public transit anymore. 

          • Sabiha October 4, 2023 (10:16 pm)

            I commuted on Metro 15 years. Then one trip I was injured from driver negligence. I never commuted again. Now 23 years, 4 back surgeries and retirement later. I remain traumatized. My heart goes out to the driver and the family. 

        • Catlain October 3, 2023 (9:47 pm)

          “our public transit” judging by your handle, you probably don’t even take the bus and have little regency here.

          • M October 3, 2023 (10:09 pm)

            Last 2 times I took the bus, medics were trying to save a person over dosing at the bus stop. I drive my car now. Used to be a big transit rider.

      • Byron James October 5, 2023 (1:12 am)

        There are approximately 3,000,000 registered, private vehicles in the State of Washington. On a per capita basis, cars are very safe.

    • Greg October 3, 2023 (7:58 pm)

      “This is unacceptable”? Could have possibly made a more out of touch and also pointless comment? Someone is dead. You didn’t just receive bad service at a restaurant. 

    • Alki resident October 3, 2023 (8:09 pm)

      Accountable for what? Are you going to blame store managers if something happens at Target? I’ve been saying for years that public transportation isn’t safe and I’ll stick to driving but all the nay sayers love to try and prove me wrong. Between stabbings, shootings and fentanyl, you’ll never see me taking public transportation. 

      • Jack October 3, 2023 (9:22 pm)

        What you’ve been saying vs. what data/facts actually reveal are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Driving your car is far more dangerous and deadlier than riding public transportation. This is proven time and time again. Maybe you are uncomfortable on public transportation, but it shouldn’t be because it is more dangerous. It is not. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/report-car-fatalities-rise-wa-state/Z3VCBMBIIRAWBMVJNANS3NRWME/?outputType=amp

        • Nope October 4, 2023 (6:32 am)

          Sorry but in my own car the likelihood of a passenger beating me with a hammer, stabbing me or shooting me is nil.

          • Jim October 4, 2023 (8:02 am)

            Numerous people have been shot while minding their own business in their cars lately .

          • Liz October 4, 2023 (9:21 am)

            Come on, dude. Someone was just murdered in their own car in Capitol Hill in March. This is a little tactless to post. 

          • Alki resident October 4, 2023 (8:48 pm)

            Exactly and the fact that I now have two friends who’ve retired early from driving buses through Seattle. One got very sick from fentanyl exposure and they’re both tired of the violence. I can’t blame them, you can’t feel safe doing your job. They just want to go home everyday. 

      • M October 3, 2023 (11:21 pm)

        Dude, this makes no sense. You just don’t want to take public transportation, for reasons we might be able to guess. If you are concerned about safety, you wouldn’t travel by car.

      • The King October 4, 2023 (3:42 am)

        Falls in line with blaming Kia when criminals steal one and crash into a store. Just an observation. 

    • Brandon October 3, 2023 (8:12 pm)

      metro and sound transit need to be held accountable for a dude getting shot on the bus?

      re-read that statement. the way we blame the victims so easily and absolve the criminals is quite concerning, but pretty much sums up how we got here and why we’re not getting off this bus ride anytime soon.

      • Blbl October 3, 2023 (8:39 pm)

        Absolutely Metro is responsible for the stuff that happens on its buses. Metro is not the victim. So weird to have to write that. 

        • WS neighbor October 3, 2023 (9:27 pm)

          What the heck do you mean??? Why would operators of a bus be responsible? Are you expecting metro to do a background check on everybody that wants to ward public transit? Absurd!

          • Blbl October 3, 2023 (10:09 pm)

            Because when we pay money to Metro, they have a duty to keep us safe while riding. It’s a pretty common legal concept. 

    • KT October 3, 2023 (8:20 pm)

      There isn’t enough tax money to hire armed guards for every metro route.  How do you propose they fix the problem in lieu of that?

      • Clayton October 3, 2023 (8:54 pm)

        For $3 million a year we could have a security guard on each route, daily. Metro would probably make it back in increased ridership and fewer lawsuits.

        • lol October 3, 2023 (9:17 pm)

          you want to show your math there? even making poverty, minimum wage income and benefits would mean that that would cover around 60 FTEs. to cover one route would take 3 FTEs per day, plus sick and vacation time needs a multiplier. so your number covers 18 routes max at the literal minimum wage? every brave keyboard warrior thinks solving problems is so easy then you’re probably also the person who turns around and won’t support serious tax structure fixes and the investments that would help address violence. how tedious to blame government when it is the voting public that thinks these genius thoughts and votes accordingly.

        • datamuse October 4, 2023 (9:51 am)

          I’ll agree it’s worth considering, but it would cost way more than $3 million a year. Come on.

    • Terry October 3, 2023 (8:39 pm)

      What would you have them do?

    • Neighbor October 5, 2023 (9:50 am)

      Is this satire?  Have you ever been on a bus?  I have never seen a metro bus with only one door.

  • Tama October 3, 2023 (5:59 pm)

    Has the roadway reopened?

  • Susan October 3, 2023 (6:00 pm)

    Thank you, as always, for your great coverage, West Seattle Blog

  • Marcus October 3, 2023 (6:04 pm)

    Everyday it is something yet very, very few comments encourage increased police presence.  We need more police, more patrols and more criminals spending time in jail.  We can not continue to ignore this problem as we are indeed allowing it to continue.

  • D October 3, 2023 (6:05 pm)

    Now king county helicopter is above head

    • WSB October 3, 2023 (6:08 pm)

      Yes, thanks, I added that after seeing it on the tracker. The TV helicopter was there for a while by itself and then Guardian One showed up.

  • Neil October 3, 2023 (6:11 pm)

    My question is was the victim a passenger or the bus driver?

    • WSB October 3, 2023 (6:14 pm)

      I don’t know. So far KCSO’s official response to inquiries has even less info than we’ve already published.

      • Amy October 3, 2023 (6:58 pm)

        And what bus route was it on?

        • WSB October 3, 2023 (7:01 pm)

          H Line.

          • Tracey October 3, 2023 (7:53 pm)

            So much for “taking the bus to Staples in Burien”.  I’ll drive my SOV and take my chances with the bumper hit and run guys. Or better yet, surf Zillow and Redfin tonight.  Redfin needs a filter for “do the local retailers need to lock up the toothpaste”

      • Sandy October 3, 2023 (9:06 pm)

        It was not the driver that was shot. 

        • WSB October 3, 2023 (9:09 pm)

          Yes, thank you, several commenters upthread said a message to that effect went out to other Metro buses.

    • Mindy October 3, 2023 (6:37 pm)

      I was on one of the buses and heard an announcement that the operator was not harmed.

    • KD October 3, 2023 (6:44 pm)

      Metro Operator driver was not shot, is okay, but probably very upsetting 

    • Terra Leigh Bell October 3, 2023 (6:47 pm)

      I’m on a Metro bus right now (different neighborhood, and all is well here), and I just heard dispatch making an announcement about this so the other bus drivers wouldn’t be worried about a colleague. They said the bus driver involved is fine, so my guess is the victim was a passenger.

    • Clayton October 3, 2023 (8:55 pm)

      Not the driver per bus driver radio chatter.

  • Steph October 3, 2023 (6:13 pm)

    Just enjoying the good weather on the patio when you realize that’s a helicopter and it’s come around several times, so time to scurry in the house and secure it and check WSB to find out who killed who and how far away again.  I had a hard time sleeping last night after hearing the gunfire.  I definitely feel like I am living in a war zone. Thanks for letting us know what’s happening.

  • Sam October 3, 2023 (6:16 pm)

    Was it the 60?

    • WSB October 3, 2023 (7:05 pm)

      H Line.

  • Alki October 3, 2023 (6:21 pm)

    Isn’t that King county jurisdiction WSB?

    • WSB October 3, 2023 (7:04 pm)

      Yes, as noted in the story, but for whatever reason, SPD responded initially.

      • Bill October 3, 2023 (8:43 pm)

        The Seattle units were probably closer and Rox is the line  – I know that you know this WSB — but some comments re borderline jurisdiction responses really get me.Semi off topic but this reminds me of an incident in the late 1950’s.  There used to be two ambulance companies in Seattle – Rainbow and Shepard — one very rainy winter night there was an injury accident on the old lower Spokane street (East of the bridge – in between the waterways) —  both ambulances showed up at the same time! — The drivers got into a fist fight!  (My dad was on a bus and witnessed it) — I do not know anything re the injured! I believe Shepard became American Medical Response (AMR)  – not sure what became of Rainbow.

        • Kt October 4, 2023 (3:26 am)

          Thanks for sharing that story, Bill.

  • Liz October 3, 2023 (6:31 pm)

    Do we know yet which suspect description applies to the shooter?

  • Teresa October 3, 2023 (6:31 pm)

    Helicopters are gone, did they find shooter?

  • flimflam October 3, 2023 (6:41 pm)

    Shot ON the bus? Jeez. Things aren’t trending in the right direction.

  • David October 3, 2023 (6:44 pm)

    Helicopter still circling. They must think there is a good chance the suspect can be captured if they have so many forces out looking or cordoning off the area.

  • Graciano October 3, 2023 (7:09 pm)

     KCSO should be reviewing the security cameras on the Bus. 

  • Alia October 3, 2023 (7:25 pm)

    Sheriff helicopter circled over us down in Gregory Heights Burien maybe 15-20 minutes ago. I got a sick feeling when I saw the alert from Metro that the H was rerouted due to an emergency response. My husband was on the H line home when it happened. So grateful he left a few minutes later and wasn’t on that bus, but feel awful for everyone who was. Just awful.

  • Bh October 3, 2023 (7:44 pm)

    That corner has had other violence over the years but this still is shocking. I might have to think twice about walking around White Center these days.

    • K October 3, 2023 (8:32 pm)

      We don’t know the whole story.  If this happened on the bus, there’s a chance the confrontation started well before this stop and the location where they pulled the trigger is unrelated.  If the corner is the issue, then all the naysayers saying transit is the problem are wring in their assumptions.  Instead of making assumptions and categorically excluding neighborhoods, streets, or transit modes, check out statistics on how many shooting victims are targeted versus truly random.  

      • Rhonda October 3, 2023 (11:21 pm)

        A killer firing a gun on a confined bus with metal ricochet hazards everywhere makes a HUGE difference. It’s amazing and sheer luck that no one else was injured or killed.

        • K October 4, 2023 (6:16 am)

          What does that have to do with whether or not White Center is a safe neighborhood?  Please read the comments you’re responding to.

          • Rhonda October 4, 2023 (4:24 pm)

            K, try reading your comment(s). And, yes, it did happen on the bus:“If this happened on the bus”

          • K October 4, 2023 (5:39 pm)

            But what does that have to do with whether or not White Center is a safe neighborhood?

  • Linda Givler October 3, 2023 (7:50 pm)

    WSB, you are the best at keeping us informed.  Pretty darn upsetting that this happened

  • waikikigirl October 3, 2023 (7:53 pm)

    We were headed SB on Ambaum from SW 116th right when this was going on, there were KC Sheriff after KC Sheriff’s, 2 – Burien FD trucks, FD Chief, and Medic 1 heading towards WC we knew the WSB would be on it and here you are! Then when we got onto EB 518  there were even more KC Sheriffs headed that way! Hopefully the security cameras onboard the bus will help catch the shooter! Condolences to the victims family and friends.

  • Kyle October 3, 2023 (7:58 pm)

    Wow that is the bus I take to downtown. This is extremely scary. If people fear for their life, hard to meet transit goals.

  • Russell October 3, 2023 (8:34 pm)

    This happened a block away from me, I’m glad I found out what happened, just had helicopters over head and had no clue what was happing.

  • Sarge October 3, 2023 (8:50 pm)

    Metro busses are covered in cameras. That’s one dumb place to shoot someone.  

  • L in PP October 3, 2023 (9:05 pm)

    Thank you, WSB. Fellow commuters and drivers, please be good to each other out there.

  • Tired of the Same October 3, 2023 (9:27 pm)

    Again, another senseless murder. WSB always on top of it and keeping the community updated. Elections coming soon and hopefully for once we can elect some sort of leader that will actually try not to pander why this crime as far as (name one) why this happened. Just sad for the family…

  • N October 3, 2023 (9:29 pm)

    The confrontation started off the bus. There were bullet holes made in a local building’s glass doors that weren’t there earlier today. That building is on the same side of the road 50 feet behind the bus stop. 

    • Pauline October 3, 2023 (11:22 pm)

      Conflict back of the bus. Shooting inside as bus swerved to eventually park. They shot to get out (for doos to open) to make a run. Latest YouTube says victim is 21 year old:/ 

  • Wavy David October 3, 2023 (9:51 pm)

    Living in South Delridge at times feels like the Wild West. It’s uncanny how many terrible things have happened mere blocks away over the course of the 15 years we’ve been living here. I don’t think the murder rate has gotten much worse; there’s always been those, sadly, but what affects me more is how edgy and dark Westwood Village has become. The clerks working in those stores have more guts than me. Many are just kids! I wonder if they know that not long ago it didn’t used to be this way. They deserve better, or at least hazard pay for the increasing crime they have to witness and/or deal with.

    • EJ October 3, 2023 (10:18 pm)

      I agree… I left the country for 2 years to come back to an WestWood Village I don’t recognize… especially the QFC I feel bad for the young workers with a optimistic outlook but constantly worried about there surrounding they switch workers quickly it seems due to the altercation that occur…especially knowing that just 10 years ago I was in high school and walking mostly carefree🥹 it seems like the drugs aren’t serving the community well… those who take them and those who live with those who take them— the community. 

  • LongFellow Creek October 3, 2023 (11:38 pm)

    Too too close to home should have been on that bus today. As I sat here looking for backup plans for not making it to the bank before it closed while while watching the news when they broke live shooting on metro bus 21 yo man deceased. I immediately ended the live chat with the bank to count my blessings. Putting the real meaning behind better late than dead! Really feeling like I had dodged some final destination ish. But if that wasn’t unsettling and creepy enough to have me shook for the rest of the day. The minute I start to wind down and put my mind at ease. As I’m getting ready to take the trash out a bright light catches my eye out the window it’s the sheriffs office wanting to be buzzed in. Apparently this is the address noted for next of kin.I feel like the universe is trying to tell me something and im freaking the F out. My kids who aren’t kids anymore thought I was over bearing before. This will officially catapult me beyond unbearable. Damn So young not even a chance to fully live life. 

    • Longfellow Creek/Juneau October 6, 2023 (2:24 am)

      I was informed of who victim is but will not post on the site.Everyone talking about sue Metro, sue the police. Riding Metro is just as safe as walking down the street.Most shootings on metro are not random and the victims are targeted.Just in my area alone they’re shooting all the time right outside my building and had I been out there coming from the store I could have got hit too.Waking up every morning is a blessing.FEAR will not deter me from taking the bus. My condolences to the family of the young man.We live in really CRAZY times. No where is it safe. You want to lock yourselves in your home?  That’s your choice.Just remember, hearts are broken and his family will never be the same.Prayers and God help us all

  • Jeepney October 4, 2023 (5:28 am)

    What I find shameful are the commenters using this forum to push their agenda against cars.  This article is about a PUBLIC SAFETY ISSUE, not cars versus buses.  I would expect to see comments regarding what our local leadership is doing to make our communities safer, and hold those accountable who are committing crimes.    Our priorities as a society are clearly distorted.

    • mffl October 4, 2023 (7:52 am)

      I appreciate your comment 

    • DC October 4, 2023 (11:58 am)

      To be clear, the ‘agenda’ being pushed was against public transportation. The comments ‘against cars’ are just responding by pointing out the fact that public transportation is in general safer than driving a car. No agenda in pointing out data based facts.

      • Jeepney October 4, 2023 (1:26 pm)

        To be very clear, a person was murdered and will not be coming home to their family.  To bring up an argument stressing that cars are more dangerous than public transit shows a total lack of empathy and regard for human life.   

    • K October 4, 2023 (1:03 pm)

      Ahahahahaha!  Dozens of comments about how horrible transit is and there’s still someone insisting the message is anti-car.  *wipes tear*  Gotta love it.

  • Sammy October 4, 2023 (7:06 am)

    Actually it is probably just as safe as other areas around here because there has been violence and robberies in many communities.  But white center needs to have certain business owners do something with people sleeping in front of their buildings and using drugs and the other day some guy had his pants down talking a poop in front of the store by subway.  Metro could not have prevented this young man from getting shot because the killer could have just gotten off the bus and shot him on the street. It was the choice of the shooter to kill another person and that individual is to blame and no one else! 

    • Brian October 4, 2023 (8:42 am)

      You go from tacitly blaming business owners for not doing anything about homeless people to claiming no one is at fault but the shooter. Pick a lane. 

  • April October 4, 2023 (9:30 am)

    This is sad and disturbing.  And another reason why I haven’t used public transportation in years and at this rate never will again! Plus I get to places faster in my car than on public transportation and feel safer in my own vehicle.

    • Jeff October 4, 2023 (12:00 pm)

      Must be nice. I can’t afford a car or a parking space. What about the Road Rage shootings though, any thoughts on that?

  • Admiral-2009 October 4, 2023 (9:39 am)

    Busses have surveillance cameras, hopefully this information can be used to apprehend the perps quickly.

  • Banthemall October 4, 2023 (11:49 am)

    Astonishing that no mention is made of the root cause: firearms.
    Without our insane gun laws, we would be a far healthier society.

    The USA continues to be the example (laughing stock!) to the world of what “right to bear arms” can do to a society.  

    • Brandon October 4, 2023 (2:24 pm)

      A breakdown: A gun can be used as a weapon by someone to inflict harm. Coincidentally it can also be used to defend yourself from said harm. Same can be said about knives, bats, cars, chainsaws, rocks, sticks, you name it. Taking away an object isn’t going to deter someone who had the willingness to use said object and inflict the harm. The problem isn’t the object, it’s the freaking people using them. Absolutely zero idea why that’s controversial to society. It’s much easier to rectify culturally, making us all better for it, than blowing out your constitution and screwing over everybody in the process. Parents teach your kids.

      • Duh. October 4, 2023 (6:43 pm)

        Thank you for being articulate and having some common sense, @brandon. It seems to be in short supply these days. 

      • Backitup October 4, 2023 (9:52 pm)

        how many events have there been recently where a shooter harmed someone vs. a good Samaritan with a gun stopping harm? I’ll wait.

      • BruceNorris October 5, 2023 (5:35 am)

        You nailed it. Thank you.

        • BruceNorris October 6, 2023 (12:10 am)

          This was in response to Brandon.

      • Neighbor October 5, 2023 (10:52 am)

        Do countries with sane gun ownership laws have mass stabbings at a similar rate to mass shootings here in the US?

  • Gill & Alex October 4, 2023 (1:18 pm)

    Saw this comment above:”That corner has had other violence over the years but this still is
    shocking. I might have to think twice about walking around White Center
    these days.”We just want to assure those who live here in our White Center neighborhood and others that it is safe to walk here.  We routinely walk the whole area including by the bus stops at Bartells and have never felt not safe.  No, we don’t go out walking after dark but do go over to imbibe in some of White Center’s diverse food.  Bottom line is we feel as safe as anywhere in the greater Seattle area and love our community.

    • Neighbor October 5, 2023 (10:54 am)

      “So far we have been safe to walking around during the day”.  I live on Alki and share that feeling.  Although both neighborhoods have recent examples of murders during broad daylight.

  • Gil October 4, 2023 (2:45 pm)

    They should always release the photos of the suspect straight away. Everything is digital now. Why does it take so long?

  • BJBL October 4, 2023 (3:49 pm)

    Anyone know the bus #?

  • Weenster99 October 5, 2023 (9:50 pm)

    Hi WSB. You do such an amazing job of keeping up on news in real-time. By chance have you heard if the shooter and victim knew each other or if this was a random act? We can’t find that info anywhere…

    • WSB October 5, 2023 (9:53 pm)

      I just wrote and published an update but no, there’s been no info on a detail like that. The victim hasn’t even been publicly identified yet.

      • Katie October 10, 2023 (4:24 pm)

        There’s a picture plastic wrapped to a tree and initials in candles at the site. Still no more identity details? Feels weird there’s not more info or surveillance video.

        • WSB October 10, 2023 (4:34 pm)

          We went by yesterday and while we saw the initials (MW, looked like) and took a photo, there was no picture at the time. I just called the daily Medical Examiner hotline recording (which was not updated yesterday because of the holiday) and the name is now public: Marcell D. Wagner, 21. Adding above, pending separate story.

          • Katie October 11, 2023 (11:30 pm)

            Thank-you for checking. We live 2.5 blocks north on 15th and my 6 year old has been asking so many questions. Life & death & safety… 

Sorry, comment time is over.