Chief Sealth IHS students plan walkout to ‘protest sexual harassment and assault’ after texting incident

Students at Chief Sealth International High School plan a protest walkout just tomorrow over an incident that was described in a letter from the principal as involving “graphic … group text messages” that “encourage sexual violence.” Shortly after principal Ray Morales‘s letter was called to our attention tonight, we received this email from a student:

I am a 12th-grade student at Chief Sealth International High School. At our school, some of the boys on our football team and in general have been known to sexually assault, catcall, and harass women, as well as yell slurs and hate-crime queer and other students. The only thing that has happened to these boys, up to this point, has been a slap on the wrist, and events like this continue to occur. Our school consistently preaches about the physical and mental health and safety of their students, implementing a no-phone policy to reduce students’ anxiety and help our mental health, yet there has been serious inaction when the safety of female and queer students is put in jeopardy.

Recently, there was an incident involving some boys on the football team, and many students are tired of the consistent problems. In the past, students who have had issues with boys on the football team and went the coaches or staff have been brushed off or told that they would be reprimanded by having to “run extra laps.” Students have finally brought this to the attention of the whole student body and the principal. While our principal has been immensely supportive and has brought forth an action plan to change these boys behavior it is disappointing that students had to go this far to feel safe at school and get the justice they deserve. Tomorrow, October 20th, a few students have organized a walkout to protest against sexual harassment and assault. It will be at 11:50 at SWAC, across from the school. Although many staff are supportive of us, these things continue to happen, and I would like to bring attention to this issue and hopefully cease the inaction that continues to persist. By bringing light to the issue and notifying parents and members of the community, I hope to help my fellow students incite the change that is desperately needed.

Here is the note sent to the school community today by principal Morales:

Yesterday, a concern was brought to our attention regarding group text messages written by several Chief Sealth International students. The content of the text messages was graphic in nature and extremely inappropriate. Chief Staff International staff stand united that we do not condone this type of talk.

As soon as my team became aware of these messages, we took immediate action, including:

The school administration team is investigating the concerns and exploring appropriate discipline and additional corrective action.

Our social workers and school leaders are reaching out to offer direct support to each student who was a subject of the messages.

Chief Sealth International athletic leaders are developing a plan to promote gender equity, prevent sexual harassment, and help our students better understand what behaviors are expected of students and athletes.

I take the safety and wellbeing of our students very seriously. I appreciate the messages and questions families have sent to me expressing their concern about this issue. Our school and athletic teams are taking proactive steps to be sure our young people approach their peers and community members with respect.

The district and the admin team support students’ rights to express their views in a peaceful manner, including assembly and peaceful protest.

Our school has support available for students. In addition to our social workers and counselors, our school has a Teen Health Center that can help students talk through their concerns. You can find a list of student supports on our school website.

Thank you to the students who reported these messages to school staff. I encourage students to report any concerns they have to administration or other trusted adults. We want students to understand that it is important to report to a trusted adult when someone is hurt, in danger, or in an unsafe situation.

Please talk to your students to help them understand that comments that encourage sexual violence are not acceptable at our school. I am including some resource links that may be useful in talking to your students.

· UW Medicine/Harborview’s A Safer Families. A Safer World

· Love is Respect, resources for young people to promote healthy relationships

·, age-appropriate sex education resources

We will be following up with the school/district regarding .

96 Replies to "Chief Sealth IHS students plan walkout to 'protest sexual harassment and assault' after texting incident"

  • hannah October 19, 2023 (10:54 pm)

    as a 12th grader at this school, they never take any kind of sexual harassment issues seriously. i hope this walkout can enhance the safety of the female and queer community. i’m sick of the constant harassment

    • JustSarah October 19, 2023 (11:18 pm)

      Hannah, thank you for sharing. I’m so sorry you and your classmates are dealing with this. You shouldn’t have to put up with this. 

    • Roselani October 19, 2023 (11:19 pm)

      That’s terrible that you are having to deal with that, Hannah – you and all your CSIHS peers. I experienced that years ago and I’m so sorry knowing it continues in high school today. I want you to know it does get better. It doesn’t get perfect, but it gets better. <3

  • Jay October 19, 2023 (11:11 pm)

    Proud of these kids developing organizing skills and taking real steps to make change. They’re using collective action against institutional power. Tomorrow’s leaders.

    • We Stand With You October 20, 2023 (6:50 am)

      That is the silver lining to this, but what a price to pay to develop those skills. Students, I’m so [horrified, sickened, heartbroken, furious, so many other things] for you. How can we be here for you? Tell the broader West Seattle community how we can support you. Thank you for your bravery to advocate for yourselves and one another. Your actions will have rippling effects that will help others, too. 

  • KP October 19, 2023 (11:19 pm)

    So proud of all the students who are taking a stance and voicing their concerns. Enough is enough. We stand with you. 

  • Anywhere but here October 19, 2023 (11:37 pm)

    WSB. Thanks for giving the students a voice by posting this email.  The administration’s email was so vague I had to ask my son what it was even referring to. He pulled no punches in his description to me. I won’t repeat what he told me,  but the football team needs to be held accountable in a very real way.  Certainly more than extra laps. 

  • Jasper October 20, 2023 (12:19 am)

    i’m a senior at this school and i’m so glad to be part of this movement we’re making. keeping students safe should be the schools #1 priority and we are not getting that. i hope that we get listened to and we will not stop preaching until we are. i’m tired of being unwelcomed at a school that says that we are welcomed. i hope that we get the safety that we are told we get. 

  • Jay October 20, 2023 (2:50 am)

    Thank you, students, for speaking up and speaking out. All too often, football players get away with inexcusable behavior because they’re…football players. Imagine if something like this had happened in a workplace – their butts would be out the door – fired! And coaches are not gods – look at “Coach” Tommy Tuberville. Football can be a lot of fun to watch and to play. But obnoxious bullies shouldn’t be allowed to take the field. Too bad. Students have enough to deal with!

    • Off the Field October 20, 2023 (8:53 am)

      Football players who have been identified as participating in this harassment should be taken off the field of play.  The whole team, including the coaches, should be involved in serious group conversation led by professionals who do this kind of group work.  Maybe instead of field practice?  Yes, this will affect the outcome of the season’s record, but it is way more vital than the game.

    • K October 20, 2023 (9:09 am)

      Sexual harassment is not really punished most places, including the workplace. Boys learn this culture of toxic masculinity early and rarely have to pay the repercussions at any point in their life.

    • Andrew October 20, 2023 (9:31 am)

      If this were in my workplace I’d be fired so fast my head would spin and I’d never work in my industry again.

  • YES2WS October 20, 2023 (3:58 am)

    As stated in the administrator’s message, “Chief Sealth International athletic leaders are developing a plan to promote gender equity, prevent sexual harassment, and help our students better understand what behaviors are expected of students and athletes.”

    With members of the queer community being harassed, it would’ve been nice to have included them in the plan. I guess they can hope for unintentional protection.

    • LiouxLioux October 20, 2023 (1:30 pm)

      NOW they’re coming up with a plan?? 

    • K October 20, 2023 (6:55 pm)

      Southwest Teen Life Center across the street from the school has a new group for queer identifying students and allies (You Are You) starting up next week on Thursday, October 26th from 4:00-5:30pm. I encourage any queer or female identifying teens that have been affected by this situation to come to this meeting and discuss what resources and support they would like to see outside of the school as they grapple with this traumatic situation. 

  • Mar-C October 20, 2023 (4:29 am)

    My kid who’s a Sealth student shared the group texts with me. These boys were planning violent attacks – gang rapes, with named targets. The police should be involved. If the texts were about planning a violent attack with any other weapon, the police would have been involved. But no, these aspiring rapists get to continue being on the football team representing Sealth. 

    • Sealth Parent October 20, 2023 (10:26 am)

      The players involved have already been removed from the team and suspended from school. The football coaches were actually the first ones to report the issue to administration. 

      • Sealth Student October 21, 2023 (6:47 pm)

        The players were not kicked from the team that is not true. 

        • Seatlh student October 21, 2023 (10:43 pm)

          No I know them they are all banned from high school sports and suspended for multiple months 

        • Sealth Coach October 21, 2023 (11:37 pm)

          … with first hand knowledge, I can assure you they are no longer members of the football team.

    • Jay October 20, 2023 (10:46 am)

      For real? If that’s true, the coach and all other mandatory reporters who protected those players need to be fired and criminally charged. Failing to report is a criminal offense. Schools have to be a safe environment for kids, and it won’t be unless the mandatory reporting law is enforced. They have to take violent threats and reports of abuse seriously.

    • s October 20, 2023 (10:49 am)

      Well then do something. Contact the police and share the texts with them.

      • Mar-C October 20, 2023 (12:20 pm)

        I am indeed going to contact the police. But it ought to have been the s hook contacting the police. My point is this threat of violence is being treated differently than other threats of violence. 

  • WSEA4LIFE October 20, 2023 (5:34 am)

    Sadly, this is an endemic problem at many, many other schools. The sport by nature breeds and embodies aggression, violence, and bullying.  Doesn’t make inappropriate behavior acceptable, but this is the reality.  Football is king and change for the better springs eternal.

    • Alum October 20, 2023 (2:40 pm)

      PLEASE don’t make this about football or sports, in general. There are many standup young men on that team, and others, and they shouldn’t all be categorized together. A few bad eggs does not mean the whole batch (or sport) is bad. The coaches for this team are genuinely great men who care about all students and their well-being. I know for a fact they were not made aware of this until very recently and have since removed the players from the team.

      • WS Dad October 20, 2023 (3:31 pm)

        Exactly.  This type of behavior can be found in every profession from Churches to Police Officers to white collar jobs, ect.  Hold those involved accountable and don’t generalize a group of kids or a sport. 

  • D-Mom October 20, 2023 (6:02 am)

    It’s sad that students have had to go to these measures to get the adults around them to pay attention so they feel safe and respected.  I am incredibly impressed with the student that wrote this letter and to the students organizing this walkout!  Thank you to WSB for running this story. 

  • Serafina October 20, 2023 (6:48 am)

    It takes a lot of courage to have a voice in high school and to try and make a change. These are the kind of students we want running out world some day. I hope the school takes some real action. Sounds like football needs to get sidelined for awhile to get their message across. 

    • Sealth Parent October 20, 2023 (10:34 am)

      The players involved have already been removed from the team and suspended from school. The football coaches were actually the first ones to report the issue to administration. This incident took place among in a small group chat and was not part of any team related platform or event. If some kids in the band got in trouble are we going to cancel the band concert? There are 60+ other players on the team, many of them seniors and African-American males. Is it fair to punish these kids who had absolutely nothing to do with this incident? 

      • Elizabeth October 20, 2023 (11:26 am)

        This is not a one time incident. This has been an ongoing problem that officials tried to sweep under a rug. Most of the students know what’s been going on and who’s been doing it. This wasn’t news to anyone, including the coaches and the other players. Just one brave student finally took it upon themselves to do something because no one else did. 

  • ws resident October 20, 2023 (7:48 am)

    The coach needs to be held accountable for the laxidasical response to his players’ actions. I am proud of these teens standing up against sexual harrasment. 

  • sam-c October 20, 2023 (7:53 am)

    It’s so disheartening to hear that the students are having to take this action.  I hope the predators are truly held accountable and face the sorts of consequences appropriate to this level of harassment.  As a member of the West Seattle community, I  see you and hear you students.  Thank you for taking action and protesting.

  • Neighbor October 20, 2023 (8:04 am)

    I saw an article on Fox 13 that the boys were suspended. Hopefully the students taking action caused the administrators to take action against that horrid behavior.

  • Anne October 20, 2023 (8:07 am)

    Totally unacceptable-what the heck is with the coaches???  Thank you WS Blog-and the student who wrote you for shining the light on this harassment.I do hope the admin at Sealth will be able to do more than just look into this. Coaches -whose only response to harassment is to  have  someone “run laps” should be held to account -as much as those doing the harassment. 

  • Jeepney October 20, 2023 (8:40 am)

    The perpetrators need to be held accountable.  If they are not kicked off of the team, I will be surprised.

  • Outraged Sealth Mom October 20, 2023 (9:05 am)

    This is unacceptable and outrageous.  I have an equally outrageous disciplinary action for these students.  Take away their football privileges.  West Seattle cannot cheer for a team that has young men like this playing on it.  Show us that you really care about our female-identifying and gay students by removing them from the team.  That would leave a lasting impression on these aggressors and send a powerful message to the student body.  There has to be ZERO TOLERANCE for aggressive and violent words toward anyone in our schools! 

  • Midi October 20, 2023 (9:11 am)

    So incredibly proud of the students standing up and speaking out. Today’s harassment in school is tomorrow’s harassment in the workplace (which, sadly, often results in the same lack of action that you’re experiencing). The letter from the school is incredibly vague and non-committal, you deserve better and I hope you keep pushing until you get that. You’re showing incredible leadership and I stand with you

  • so disappointed October 20, 2023 (9:11 am)

    Giving sports boys a “free pass” on horrid behavior has been going on for 100 years.  God forbid the team lose a game so that immature uneducated boys can continue to ruin lives.  This starts early and continues into adulthood and wherever these boys go. Teach them young to not be disgusting and maybe the world would be a safer place for everyone. 

  • Westseattleite October 20, 2023 (9:20 am)

    The guilty players on the football team need to be benched or even kicked off the team. Allowing them to still play is ridiculous. The principal and the coach need to act like adults and act as if it were their kids being affected by the hate crimes. Enough is enough. 

    • Alum October 20, 2023 (2:41 pm)

      They have been kicked off the team.

  • Sealth Parent October 20, 2023 (9:22 am)

    Unfortunately the internet is full of misinformation. I thank the student for sharing their experience, but they don’t appear to be a part of the team. There’s extensive work that goes on throughout the season to coach kids on character as well as athletics. Whenever an issue arises, players are absolutely held accountable. And conditioning is never used as a tool to correct non-football related issues. That’s old school, and coaches are trained not to use that form of punitive punishment anymore. I empathize with all of the students involved, especially those who are hurt by this. This speaks to a much larger issue with todays youth. In this instance, we just have people who are members of a team so it’s easy to point the finger and label an organization. School officials are making decisions based on facts, not rumors. If there seems to be a lack of transparency, that’s because all of the individual involved, on both sides, are minors. It’s important to protect their privacy, and allow everyone the opportunity to heal and grow from this.

    • K October 20, 2023 (10:20 am)

      First of all, it takes courage to speak up and organize against an aggressive ring of harassers. Second, any “thanks, but”s are wholly inappropriate here (and directed at a child?!). Third, this can’t be smoothed over with empathy on both sides and talk of “larger issues.”  These kids were in an unsafe environment and they’re digging themselves out from under the slow acting adults that we’re supposed to prevent it in the first place. 

    • Lagartija Nick October 20, 2023 (10:22 am)

      This type of attitude is EXACTLY why sexual harassment continues in schools all across the country. This is not “rumor” there are actual text messages. The “boys” will FINALLY face accountability not because they’re “part of a team” but because that “team” protected them in the past. Additionally, if one of these “boys” is yours – they are NOT the victim here.

      • April October 20, 2023 (11:02 am)

        @lagartijanick I agree. They actually need to be expelled from school. No room for harassment and hate at schools.

    • Jasper October 20, 2023 (10:28 am)

      I think is students being part of the team is the least of our issues. we want to make our school a safer place and have these issues handled seriously. they didn’t have any communication with the students which i don’t think is fair. the email to parents was brief and seemed way too nice for this issue. none of the boys was remorseful infact said “it’s not that deep lowkey” we want to show that we will not stand for this treatment. this is supposed to be a safe place and right now we are not safe. 

    • Sealth FEMALE student October 20, 2023 (10:33 am)

      How would the person being part of the football team relate this? No women are part of the football team, are we just supposed to be silent because we don’t know what the boys talk about in practice? Can we not share our experience because these boys might go through something at practice? I am also on an athletics team and there is no “character building “that changes people from being rapists or abusers. A rapist is a rapist and an abuser is an abuser. No amount of laps around a field is going to change that, and no amount of simple talks from coaches are going to change that. You saying that the person who posted is not part the football team implies that you are trying to silence women. Don’t be part of the problem

    • Sealth Student October 20, 2023 (10:45 am)

      I don’t know how much of the situation you know, but what these kids said is absolutely unacceptable and it shows that the people that are coaching their “character as well as their athletics” isn’t working. That’s why we are standing up and trying to hold these kids accountable for their actions because nothing has been done about situations like this in the past. If we do nothing about it, then nothing will change. The kids that were apart of this are on the football team so that means it’s a football related issue. Even if it wasn’t a football related issue, it’s still a big deal and something needs to happen. Just because we’re minors doesn’t mean that we can’t handle this like adults.

    • Anywhere but here October 20, 2023 (10:49 am)

      That’s a lot of words to say “boys will be boys.” 

    • Seriously? October 20, 2023 (12:53 pm)

      Don’t do that. Don’t minimize what these kids are going through and that part about “lots of misinformation” does just that. Your post seems to dismiss and downplay what is happening to these students. You said you empathize, but that means nothing when you read your entire post. Sexual violence and you seem more concerned about the football team being labeled as bad guys? That’s just gross. Do better. To the students who have posted on here. I am sorry that your school has not created a safe environment. I’m sorry that you have been failed by the adults. I hope they will do the right thing and expel all the participants of that text conversation. They are old enough to know that what they did was wrong and are old enough to deal with very real consequences. It is a very serious matter and should be treated as such. Football is not more important than your safety. 

    • Anne October 20, 2023 (1:16 pm)

      What? I didn’t get the impression the student reporting or the students harrased were part of the team at all-rather it was members of the team doing the harassing .Is that incorrect-a rumor?? Facts can be shared  without names. 

    • Furious in Seattle October 20, 2023 (1:52 pm)

      The internet may be full of misinformation, but I’ve seen the texts. It’s cold hard facts. It’s evidence. You can not make it seem like it was an isolated incident of a handful of kids. And that’s it is all tied up and taken care of. Because it most certainly not just a few and it is not and has continually been swept aside. It is actually  a culture of misogyny and toxicity and where young men are defended and have excuses made for them. When young women are threatened with extreme violence are silenced and punished for speaking out. 

    • Anony October 20, 2023 (2:56 pm)

      Even if the individuals received the finest “character coaching” possible, this indicates it both wasn’t enough to stop the problem on its own, and arguably was never a sufficient response to sexual harassment to begin with.  I agree that sexual harassment is not inherent to football, the issue is that the players are inherently elevated into a position where they represent the team and the school, and is thus why their actions and the handling of it are reflective of them as well.  Stating that the problem is widespread should be of no consolation to anyone.  Instead, these very clear and public examples should be used as opportunities to productively demonstrate how to properly handle incidents, and could then reflect positively on football, the team, and the school as well.

    • Parent of 3 October 21, 2023 (3:16 pm)

      Finally a voice of reason. 

  • Zoe October 20, 2023 (9:23 am)

    The principles response seems wholly inadequate. How bout if you commit crimes you will be prosecuted and kicked off of teams. I’m sure the line will be, but that will ruin their lives. How about the lives of the victims? You wonder why enrollment at SPS is dropping so rapidly. Good job young people you are doing the right thing and don’t take inaction for an answer!!

  • Alki resident October 20, 2023 (9:50 am)

    At 12 years old, I was molested by a neighbor. Running laps never helped. On a side note, these coaches need to be FIRED and the students involved in sexual harassment need to be removed from the school. If you don’t do these drastic measures, you’re sending a message that this is accepted. I’m a Class of 88 graduate at Sealth and I’m so beyond proud of you all who are speaking up and letting the community know what’s happening. There’s nothing to be secretive about this situation, it needs to be screamed to the rooftops. And don’t stop until you clean house. In all my years, I’ve never heard of this in my community with a school. This better send a message to every school, everywhere. 

  • star 55 October 20, 2023 (9:56 am)

    So glad students are taking action and brought this to everyone’s attention. While I appreciate what the school is doing forward I did not see what kind of consequences are for those participating in this behavior. 

  • April October 20, 2023 (9:57 am)

    These football players need to be expelled if this is all true. Don’t go soft on them. And good for the students standing up for what is right. I’m so sorry these girls and lgbtqia+ have to deal with hate and harassment.

  • Kyle October 20, 2023 (10:36 am)

    As a former high school student athlete, you know what punishment actually hits home? Game time suspensions. 

    • V October 20, 2023 (1:24 pm)

      Thanks for sharing this.

  • snowskier October 20, 2023 (11:36 am)

    Good for the students to force the action on this issue.  More talking and counseling won’t help these boys understand how wrong their actions were.  They already know they were in the wrong and kicking them off the team and probably out of school will be the things to help them learn.  It is a hit to the remainder of the kids on the team this year but if handled right it can improve the culture on the team in future years and help the other 60+ boys to become better men.

  • West Seattle resident October 20, 2023 (11:41 am)

    Sealth Parent said:“There are 60+ other players on the team, many of them seniors and African-American males. Is it fair to punish these kids who had absolutely nothing to do with this incident?”What does many of the players being seniors and/or Black have to do with the possibility of football games being canceled? Students might not have directly taken part in that specific chat but that doesn’t mean they’re not aware of how other students on the team (and in the school in general) talk about sex, girls and LGBTQ people.The principal, coaches, teachers and staff and students, all need to take the issue of sexual harassment, misogyny, rape culture and anti LGBTQ sentiments seriously. Many students do not feel that they are being listened to and that the students like those who took part in that group chat make the school environment unwelcoming for others around them. It’s not only the players on the football team who talk that way about girls. It is a school wide problem. That character building by the team coaches, that’s been referred to, isn’t effective enough. 

  • anonyme October 20, 2023 (11:58 am)

    I’m glad that this kind of behavior is finally being widely viewed as not just unacceptable – but potentially criminal.  Sexual harassment and violence affect girls, women, and society overall in far-reaching and devastating ways.  At 72, I have more respect for teens than any other generation alive right now, and I congratulate the students who handled this in a far more effective and mature manner than most adults would have – or did. I also wonder how this macho football player would react to being targeted for rape? 

  • CSIHS Parent October 20, 2023 (12:03 pm)

    They should name all the students suspended and removed from the team – publish it at school and send it home to the parents.  Too harsh?  Too embarrassing? Too bad! maybe it will scare them into not doing this again.  Sorry not sorry.  These students didn’t ask to be victimized mentally.   Kids today have no consequences.  I find it hard to fathom that none of them sending these texts “didn’t know what they were doing”.  Doing laps, getting kicked off the team or suspension isn’t enough.

  • Chelsea October 20, 2023 (12:11 pm)

    So many of these students are immersed in a deeply troubling online environment. If students aren’t supported to navigate the ideas of their beloved online stars (eg Andrew Tate), then they will see none of this as relevant to them. They will see this as the reactionary left and retreat to the dark corners of the internet. The boys involved need support AND accountability.

  • JBL October 20, 2023 (12:12 pm)

    Wish I’d seen this earlier. I’d stand with you in solidarity! I’ll keep abreast of the situation as this behavior from boys has to be zero tolerance but football players seem to think they are untouchable. And if coaches aren’t part of the solution, then they are a big problem 

  • ENOUGH! October 20, 2023 (12:13 pm)

    If this were my kid sending such texts, I’d walk him down to the police myself. 

  • CSIHS Parent October 20, 2023 (12:25 pm)

    All of the students involved in the texts should have their names published for the students and parents to see.  Too harsh?  Too bad!  There are not serious consequences for kids these days.  The mental violation and public harassment for the students they mentioned is horrifying.  I don’t feel sorry for these boys one bit.  They knew what they were doing, I don’t accept any excuses.  I don’t want my child anywhere near these kids and parents should be aware in case any of them tries to associate or date their children.

  • Genesee5Points October 20, 2023 (12:26 pm)

    Cancel the Football program… Expel all the players (all of them)… The ones that let this happen and stayed silent are as guilty as the offenders themselves (maybe even more). Create an instantaneous process (maybe a phone app) where any student that feels (or perceives) disrespect, danger, embarrassment or hurt feelings can report the incident and the person who perpetuated these feelings is immediately expelled with no due process. Those who choose to attend High School must already be fully educated, socially mature, fully emotionally intelligent people… Anything less is 100%unacceptable.           

    • Jethro Marx October 20, 2023 (4:37 pm)

      I can not tell which parts of this are satire, but that seems a trend here. 

    • Sheesh October 20, 2023 (5:25 pm)

      wow, you really going to stawman this by just making it about people being offended? have you read the actual accounts of what was texted? get help.

  • WSB October 20, 2023 (12:27 pm)

    Couple notes while we work on a separate followup about the walkout:
    -That’s why a helicopter was in the area – the shared TV chopper. We and other media crews were not allowed into the stadium (which is SPS property) for the students’ gathering after walking out.
    -The district is NOT confirming to us that students were suspended. Their statement in response to our followup questions is basically what the principal said in his message yesterday. Our crew asked him at SWAC today if anyone had been suspended and he said he couldn’t comment.

  • WS Dad October 20, 2023 (1:01 pm)

    What happened was unacceptable and those involved should be held accountable. But those generalizing the entire football team based on actions of a few (on their own non-football related time) is not right. There are a whole lot of kids on that team that are good kids and don’t deserve that. 

  • Jenny October 20, 2023 (1:05 pm)

    As a step parent to a high schooler at chief stealth, I have noticed myself a huge lack in discipline and consequences from the school. Anytime my step kid acts up, I’m lucky to hear about it from his teachers. If I do hear something from the teachers regarding his behavior, they make it clear he isn’t in trouble at school. We obviously deal out the consequences at home but are surprised that the school has never done anything more than talk to us and reassure us he isn’t in trouble. And yes, he has done stupid things that I believe should have earned him detention or ISS. There is very much a culture of “we are just glad they are coming to school!” and they seem afraid or uninterested in doling out appropriate disciplinary action. I am not surprised that the teachers and staff didn’t address this absolutely heinous behavior. I support this walk out 10000%  

  • flimflam October 20, 2023 (1:10 pm)

    This sounds like a police matter rather than simply school discipline. 

    • WSB October 20, 2023 (1:31 pm)

      That was one of the questions we asked the district, which they did not answer – whether police were contacted.

  • Justin October 20, 2023 (1:11 pm)

    anybody have a copy of the texts? They gotta be posted somewhere. The lack of transparency is kind of nuts from school officials. These comments are saying actual rapes were being planned? How bad was it? Everyone is a minor until they’re not. You don’t suddenly stop raping at 18. I need to know if my student was associated with or interacting with these other students. The school is terrible at helping parents keep their kids on the right track. They’re too busy protecting the students from all consequences from their own actions until it’s too late. Real life is going to hit these kids like a ton of bricks when they leave Chief Sealth. Or even more likely, the justice system will. School admin is doing all students 0 favors by keeping details close to chest. 

    • Furious at Sealth October 20, 2023 (1:43 pm)

      I don’t have copies but my student shared it with me on their phone. A lot of students have screenshots. Yes actual rape. Horrific violent premeditated gang rape of specific and generalized students. As well as screenshots of some girls sports coaches telling their players they would be consequences if they participate in any planned walk outs. 

    • sealth student October 20, 2023 (1:52 pm)

      there were text planning actual rapes and gang rapes + how they would commence

  • Sealth Mom October 20, 2023 (1:31 pm)

    Message authors, senders and commenters should be expelled from Chief Seatlh. There are several other school options for the offenders.  They should no longer have the privilege of going to Sealth. The school should not waver on its values or respect for our kids. Without expulsion no one learns and no one heals. 

  • Furious at Sealth October 20, 2023 (1:37 pm)

    I am irate. As a parent I have seen images of many of the texts these players sent. They are graphic and violent and horrifying. Any other direct threat of violence would have police involved and should. The boys will be boys crap rhetoric is appalling. The “apology” I’ve seen from one player was gross, full of excuses, and factually untrue. A person can not say “this is not who I am” when it is EXACTLY in fact who they are being. Furthermore, students at the school that are female identifying students on other sports teams have been being told since this was all leaked that they will be punished and kicked off their own teams or benched if they participate in walk out. This kind of silencing of the voices of women and girls that this violence is perpetrated by CAN NOT BE TOLERATED. People often ask why a girl doesn’t come forward or stand up? They are threatened. Punished. The teachers and coaches doing so are acting the role of rape apologist. There needs to be a true restorative process  done and real consequences for the boys. This is not an isolated events. It is ongoing. It is the legacy of patriarchy and misogyny. And it must end. 

    • Seattle Parent October 20, 2023 (9:06 pm)

      Indeed/ and also the brain is not fully grown until age 25… so restorative justice would be a better process for all involved. But SPS has never had a trauma informed foundation and to this day training for teachers/staff/parents on the epidemic of sexual violence ( which has been going on in this country for decades and decades) is abysmal. Kids don’t learn to talk like that and text like that in a vacuum. They have been raised in a culture that condones it. Calling the police will do nothing as they cannot do anything unless something happens. Try reporting a stalker ( I have back in the day)  and that is what they will tell you. Hurt people hurt people unless they learn to break the cycle. And many do. But as a culture we need so much more. It begins early in childhood and every individual in a school needs to be trained for handling trauma and screened for not enacting it before getting hired. This is just the tip of an iceberg, I fear.I hope the administration at chief sealth will spend time on this and deal with it in a different way than what we normally see. That will involve hiring trained professionals and involving everyone involved including coaches in serious conversations and policy changes. 

  • waikikgirl October 20, 2023 (2:05 pm)

    A big thumbs up to the students that were not afraid to bring this out into the open! It makes me proud that you were brave enough to do so.But  it just makes me sick that there are young adults that would even think of doing these things as mentioned in other comments. Who is raising these kids? What is their home life like if they think it is OK to do things like this? Is it a macho/football thing? NO IT IS NOT, you can be “macho” and still be respectful to  another person and not bring pain or harm to them. As for being suspended, yes they should be but they should also go thru a mandatory sexual harassment class and hope they learn/change from this. 

  • WSMom October 20, 2023 (2:23 pm)

    We need to stop turning a blind eye to rape culture. It is not okay. The ‘locker room talk’ and ‘boys will be boys’ days are gone. (even our EX President thinks this behavior is okay) 

  • Alum October 20, 2023 (2:27 pm)

    The football players are no longer on the team. FYI.

  • WestseaMom October 20, 2023 (2:39 pm)

    As usual, our children show more courage and bravery than the grown adults who are paid government employees. The response from the Principal is pathetic, show some leadership and strength and throw these young men off the Team “we’re looking into disclipnary measures” is not acceptable. Thank you to the students for raising your voice and forcing the grown adults to do their J.O.B. I won’t send my kid to Stealth 

  • Justin October 20, 2023 (3:40 pm)

    To add insult to injury, I’m being told one of these student’s family pulled up and were violent for about 30 minutes with students in the protest and the school faculty and “security” did nothing about it? They left on their own accord, no arrest, no detainment, nothing? These are the people we supported through a strike? Chief Sealth staff needs to grow a spine real fast. 

    • flimflam October 20, 2023 (7:43 pm)

      That’s terrible but also very telling about the students family.

    • B October 22, 2023 (3:49 pm)

      I too heard something about a disturbance at the protest by “parents”……

  • ws resident October 20, 2023 (6:10 pm)

    That character building by the team coaches isn’t effective enough. They need to work on informing students to not sexually harass, abuse, assault or bully anyone and not to ignore when they see classmates taking part in that type of behavior.Students might not have directly taken part in that specific chat with the football players, that doesn’t mean they’re not aware of how other students on the team (and the school in general) talk about sex, girls and LGBTQ people.The principal, coaches, teachers and staff and students, all need to take the issue of sexual harassment, assault, misogyny, rape culture and anti LGBTQ sentiments seriously. Many students do not feel that they are being listened to and that the students like those who took part in that group chat make the school environment unwelcoming for others around them. It’s not only the players on the football team who talk that way about girls and LGBTQ people. It is a school wide problem. 

  • HB137 October 21, 2023 (4:43 pm)

    Summit Atlas HS is a great alternative if you’re fed up. Our experience there is that the staff and admin handle these types of situations quickly and don’t tolerate bullying. We were tired of this type of stuff in SPS and couldn’t be happier that we switched. 

    • Public School Parent October 22, 2023 (3:55 pm)

      Summit may not tolerate bullying, but when students are kicked out  or pushed out for discipline issues they go right back to their neighborhood school. In my experience this happens after the October 1st count when schools may have lost staff due to incorrect enrollment projections, so classes in the neighborhood schools may be overcrowded already. Its a mess and Charter schools tend to make things worse for most students in public education. 

    • Former Summit parent October 24, 2023 (10:44 am)

      Summit has its own host of issues, it’s gross that you’re here pushing a charter school on an article about SPS student safety. 

  • Zoe October 22, 2023 (9:56 am)

    This is just further proof SPS needs to be taken over by the state and the administration dismantled. The west Seattle blog reporting that they and other media are being stonewalled is no surprise. We used to have a child in SPS but no longer. The incompetence and inaction of the district is unacceptable and harms kids and families. The kids run the school and suffer no real consequences for behavior. Planning sexual assault is a crime. 

  • A chief sealth female identifying student October 24, 2023 (11:18 am)

    I feel as though this school isn’t even taking good care of the whole situation, what those boys said and did was absolutely DISGUSTING and criminal, and their punishments were most definitely not enough. Like said, this school isn’t even taking the proper measurements to protect and keep the students truly safe, many girls and people in general are SCARED to come to school, that should never have to happen at a school and students should be able to feel safe. When the walkout had happened many terrible things happened which were all stupid, first off I may not be a parent but if YOUR child is doing this and acting like this, that is YOUR fault and you should take responsibility in properly punishing and teaching your children about respect and what they should and shouldn’t do.  One thing I would also like to add is how if you are a parent and you find out your child is doing this, DO NOT act so immature and disgusting to the point you hit students and teachers and threaten to shoot up the school. That is disgusting and I am glad that the woman responsible of saying and doing that was arrested. Many people have been affected and this school has barley done anything, instead of fully addressing it and protecting the students affected they decide TO WORRY ABOUT PEOPLE SKIPPING TO THE BATHROOM!? That is terrible and the fact that they decided to do this NOW!? Supposedly this isn’t the first time this has happened as well which really just proves how terrible and how incompetent this school truly is, all schools should take the safety of their students seriously and what Chief Sealth is trying to do is not working, they might be talking to the coaches and telling them to talk to the football members etc. Sure that’s fine and good BUT this should’ve been something that would happen in the first place, why does it take until a full on incident for them to actually start talking to the football team? In all honesty this whole thing is disgusting and I in all honesty just hope that all the students affected get the justice they deserve. 

    • Sealth parent October 26, 2023 (11:43 am)

      I am really disappointed in the lack of communication and follow up from admin to families I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be in the building right now. I have asked my student what the consequences were for the football players, and the fights at the wo, and there are so many rumors flying around it’s impossible to know. I am sorry that you have to devote even the smallest bit of your attention to protecting yourself from rape culture, misogyny, and patriarchy when you are supposed to be there to LEARN. It’s truly despicable.

Sorry, comment time is over.